Business & Career Technology Education
Walton Career, Technology, & Engineering (CTAE)
At Walton, we offer the following CTAE course areas of study. Each area of study has an associated pathway with at least 3 courses available. Students completing a pathway will receive a seal on their diploma indicating this.
If you have questions or would like information concerning any of our programs, you can contact the individual instructors or our department chair Ty Vernon (
The Walton Broadcasting Pathway is designed to facilitate student-led projects under the guidance of the instructor, as well as provide opportunities for students to master skills necessary to gain entry level employment or to pursue a post-secondary degree or certificate.
The Walton Financial Services Pathway encompasses three courses in the following sequence: 1) Intro to Business & Technology, 2) Financial Literacy, 3) Banking, Investing, & Insurance.
Walton offers the opportunity for students to take 3 years of Computer Science. Students taking courses in the Computer Science area will learn about the coding in the Javascript language.
The Walton Engineering Pathway encompasses three or more years of Honors Engineering courses in the following sequence: Intro to Engineering, Principles of Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, and/or Digital Electronics. The third level course will alternate between Digital Electronics on odd gradu[...]
Walton offers the opportunity for students to take 4 years of Graphic Design & Communication courses. A student can accomplish two Walton Graphic Communications and Design Pathways: The Graphics Communications Pathway and the Graphics Design Pathway. The Graphics Communications Pathway encompas[...]
Walton offers the opportunity for students to take 4 years of Healthcare Science courses. Students taking courses in this area will learn about the basics of patient care along with its application related to the sporting world. Students completing all 4 years of courses will ultimately participat[...]