
Graphic Design & Communication


Walton offers the opportunity for students to take 4 years of Graphic Design & Communication courses.  A student can accomplish two Walton Graphic Communications and Design Pathways: The Graphics Communications Pathway and the Graphics Design Pathway. The Graphics Communications Pathway encompasses three courses in the following sequence: 1) Intro to Graphics Design, 2) Graphics Design and Production, and 3) Advanced Graphic Output Processes. The Graphics Design Pathway encompasses three courses in the following sequence: 1) Intro to Graphics Design, 2) Graphics Design and Production, and 3) Advanced Graphic Design. If students complete all four courses: 1) Intro to Graphics Design, 2) Graphics Design and Production, 3) Advanced Graphic Design, and 4) Advanced Graphic Output Processes, they will complete both pathways. The pathway provides students with an overview of graphics design, communications, and business skills required for today’s business environment. Employability skills are integrated into activities and projects throughout both pathways in all courses. Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe InDesign are the industry standard computer programs used in these courses. Students also learn about and use Industry standard machinery and materials within the Graphics Production Lab. Students work on the production process from the concept of ideas, creating artwork, manufacturing the project, and team management near the end of the pathways. Students will have the opportunity to earn multiple industry-recognized professional certifications in Adobe Creative Suite. These are the End of Pathway Exams. The certifications help students stand out as future graphic design job candidates in the professional world. Students successfully passing the End of Pathway (certification) Exam(s) will be recognized with a seal on their diploma acknowledging completion of the pathway(s). 

Graphic Art Pathway

Graphic Design Teacher

Ms. Patti Cowles

  • Email: Patricia.Cowles@cobbk12.org  
  • Title: Teacher
  • Subject(s): Graphic Design & Communication
  • Teaching since: 
  • Teaching at Walton since: 
  • Degree(s): 
  • Extracurricular: