
Attendance Office


All matters of attendance and attendance incentive are taken care of in the attendance office.

Tardy to school:

Students arriving after 8:30 must check in through the attendance office, preferably with a parental note.

Leaving early from school:

Students that need to check out early should bring a parental note into the attendance office 1st thing in the morning. Parents, please make sure that the following information is on your child’s note:

  • Student’s first and last name
  • Date
  • Student ID number
  • Time and reason for leaving
  • Parent signature and contact number

Should the need arise for a student to be dismissed after they have left for school, please call the attendance office directly at 770-578-3238 (Please do not email a dismissal). Calling as early as possible will give our office the opportunity to have the dismissal processed, gather the student, and have them meet their parent at the front of the school. This method is easier for parents, who can then avoid having to park and come in the school. Planning ahead also keep us from having to interrupt classrooms.

Questions?  please feel free to call or email:

Kim Gibson- kim.gibson@cobbk12.org