Media Center/LLC
- Destiny Library Book Search (Suggest a New Book)
- Search for print and e-books available in the library.
- Cobb Digital Library Access databases to conduct research
- Gale PowerSearch [WL]
Scholarly reference articles in literary criticism, science, history, popular culture, and other areas - Public Library Access [PASS]
Students can use their student ID numbers to access public library resources. Username: Student ID number Password: 4 digit birthday: 2-digit month and 2-digit day. Example: 1202 (Dec. 2) - Beanstack You can log your reading minutes, complete reading activities, and write book reviews. You can participate in reading challenges for prizes and earn virtual badges, too! Log in with your student number and birthdate (2-digit month, 2-digit day).
Audio and E-Books
- Sora Access to ebooks and audiobooks. Use your Office365 username and password to sign in. You can also search the public library by entering your PASS user name and password (student number and 4-digit birthday: 2-digit month and 2-digit day).
- Orca eBooks 53 eBooks: Contemporary themes and exciting stories that teens want to read; set Page Options to Detailed and 50 results per page for easy browsing
[WHS] Available on campus only
[GALILEO]: Part of the Database Offerings in GALILEO, Georgia's Virtual Library
[WL]: Provided by Wheeler Library, in partnership with the CCSD Library Media Education Department
Some of these resources and additional resources may be accessed through Cobb Digital Library [CDL]
Wheeler High School is a unit of the Cobb County School System
©2005-2020 Wheeler High School Library
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Research & Citation Help
Noodletools:Use this link: NoodletoolsUsername: first.last@students.cobbk12.orgPassword: Same as school computers (only required off campus)One Minute YouTube Videos:How To Create a ProjectHow To Create a CitationHow To Create a NotecardHow To Fill in a NotecardMLA CitationPurdue OWL MLA Style Guide[...]
Learn MoreTechnology Tips
Google for EducationAll Wheeler students have accounts following the format with their student number followed by whs as the password (i.e.,, 12345whs). Sign in anywhere that you would normally access Google apps, such as or[...]
Learn MoreTeacher's Edition
Administrative ToolsSynergyCobbK12 Email - Outlook (Quick Guide)CCSD Portallogin to find onTrack, TKES, Referrals, and moreCTLS TeachAnnouncement FormAbsence Management (Frontline)report an absence/schedule a substituteTurnItIn.comGoalViewNavianceCurriculumGeorgia Performance StandardsCommon Core S[...]
Learn MoreLibrary Information
The Wheeler High School Library holdings include over 15,000 fiction, non-fiction, and reference books and forty print periodical subscriptions. Over seventy networked computers offer electronic access to over twenty reference databases; multiple encyclopedias; and thousands of magazines, newspapers[...]
Learn MoreCareer, College & Test Prep
Test PreparationPrintable SAT Practice Tests, Answers, and ExplanationsScore your test using your phone and the free mobile app, or use the provided answer keySAT Practice from Kahn AcademyFree resource from College Board and Kahn AcademyPrepStep for High Schools Prepare for College, learn high scho[...]
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