
Target/Advanced Learning Program


Eastvalley ALP Teachers:

Mrs. Lori Moses {email}

Mrs. Jill O'Meara {email}

Goals of Cobb County's Advanced Learning Program

  • Develop cognitive skills
  • Develop affective skills
  • Extend and enrich the Georgia Standards of Excellence

CCSD Advanced Learning Information

Cobb County provides services for identified gifted students at all levels. The Advanced Learning Program is designed to meet the very specific needs of these students and extend competencies in the areas of cognitive skills, learning skills, research and reference skills, communication skills, and meta-cognitive skills in addition to the experience of the regular classroom. The Georgia State Department of Education governs the procedures for identifying and placing students in the gifted program. To be eligible for gifted services, the criteria must be met in three of the following areas:

1. Mental Ability: 96th percentile on a national normed test (99th in 1st grade)

2. Achievement: 90th percentile on Total Reading, Total Math, or Composite on a nationally normed test; OR

A superior student-generated product or performance

3. Creativity: 90th percentile on a nationally normed test; OR Superior rating on a standardized creativity rating scale; OR A superior student-generated product or performance

4. Motivation: Superior rating on a standardized motivation rating scale; OR A superior student-generated product or performance.

A student already participating in an Advanced Learning Program in Georgia will most likely be transferred into our ALP. However, the eligibility committee will review the student’s records and test data before a final placement decision is made. Students who transfer from out-of-state must meet Georgia requirements for placement in the Cobb County program. Test data from a previous school will be considered if the test results are less than two years old and if they meet the Georgia eligibility criteria. Referrals for transfer students are available from the Gifted Educational Specialist.