
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures


We encourage every student to ride the bus whenever possible...both to and from school.  Cobb County School District offers bus service for students who live outside walking distance.  One amazing fact about riding the bus:  A STUDENT IS NEVER TARDY IF THEY RIDE THE BUS!  So, please, RIDE THE BUS!

Morning Arrival:  Students may report to classrooms beginning at 7:20 am.  They are considered TARDY if they are not in their seats by 7:50 am.  Announcements begin promptly at 7:50 am.  Any student arriving tardy must be signed in to the front office by a parent or guardian.  A long carpool line is not an excuse for arriving tardy.

Carpool Procedures:  Our carpool line is a ONE WAY RIGHT OF WAY. Do not pass and do not go around cones. 

Afternoon Dismissal:  Dismissal is our most dangerous time of the day as we move our students safely from school to a variety of locations. This makes strict rules and procedures a non-negotiable.  

AT THIS TIME WE ARE NOT ACCEPTING BUS PASSES.  STUDENTS MAY NOT RIDE HOME ON A BUS THAT IS NOT ASSIGNED TO THEM.   We only accept transportation changes through ParentVUE.  We do not accept transportation changes via phone, fax, or email.  This is for your own child's safety.

All early checkouts must be made prior to 1:45 pm.  The front office closes at 1:45 as we begin dismissal procedures.  The doorbell will not be answered from 1:45 until dismissal is complete, allowing our front office staff constant communication with buses, carpool, ASP, and to keep our students safe.