Mane Link (Student Government)



Mane Link is a teaching opportunity that develops a commitment to citizenship, scholarship, leadership, human relationships, cultural values, and character.

"Servant Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure your impact lasts even in your absence."

Follow KMHS:

Insta: @kmhsofficial

Insta: @kmhs.spirit

Insta: @mldigiscrapbook

Important Dates:

  • Homecoming: October 19th, 2024
  • Shop with a Mustang (SWAM): December 14th, 2024
  • The Dance: March 4th, 2025
  • Special Ed Field Days: March 31st - April 2nd 2025

Service Hours:

You should keep track and regularly submit the service hour form, provided below, for events and any service projects you partake in. 

How to earn community service chords for graduation:

  • For ONE cord: have 180 documented hours
  • For TWO cords: have 500 documented hours

Please note, all participation fees for the following events, Special Ed. Dance and SWAM must be paid through and applications MUST be turned in with a PRINTED copy of your payment confirmation by the due date provided on the form.

Feel free to contact a Mane Link representative with any questions or for help printing your confirmation

Class Dues and Class Reminds:

Please pay your class dues on my payments plus by September 23, linked below, for your class t-shirt!

Class Reminds (text 81010 with the following remind code for your class):

  • Class of 2025: @kmhs25
  • Class of 2026: @kmhs26
  • Class of 2027: @kmhs27
  • Class of 2028: @kmhs28

Major Events:

  • Homecoming Dance: Mane Link spends weeks prior to the dance preparing the decorations for the night of, all relating to the current year's theme. The dance serves as a SWAM fundraiser.
  • Homecoming Court: Homecoming Court is comprised of 6 Senior girls, 5 Junior girls, 4 Sophomore girls, and 3 Freshman girls. These girls go through multiple rounds of voting by the student body to determine the court as well as each class favorite and the Homecoming Queen.
  • SWAM: Shop with a Mustang is an annual Mane Link event in early December where Kennesaw Mountain students raise money to take children from the surrounding community holiday shopping. Each group of mentors is assigned a child to spend time shopping and picking out clothing and gifts. The event starts early Saturday morning with breakfast, pictures with Santa, and then shopping! All the money used towards SWAM is fundraised by Mane Link, through multiple different fundraisers as well as walking around lunch with donation buckets for students to throw spare change into.
  • Special Ed Dance: The Dance is an annual event in early March where Special Education students from all around Cobb County come to our school and dance with the KMHS students. Special Education students and KMHS mentors alike look forward to the Dance all year long.
  • Special Ed Field Day: The Special Ed Field Day is an annual Mane Link event for Special Education students all over Cobb County that are in Elementary, Middle, and High School. We use the track and lower fields at KMHS to set up a variety of outdoor games in which the students can participate. KMHS students, sports, and clubs are invited to sign up as mentors for this event.

Community Events:

  • Pigs and Peaches
  • Taste of Kennesaw
  • Big Shanty
  • Christmas at Piedmont

Sporting Event Tickets:

Below is a link to buy tickets online to sporting events at Kennesaw Mountain. Cash will no longer be accepted at any sporting events, so make sure to buy all tickets on GoFan! You can also purchase a sports pass on GoFan and get into any regular season home game for ALL sports!!

Become a Senator:

KMHS students can become mane link senators by completing an application in August, applications can be found at the Mane Link Desk. You can turn the applications into the Mane Link Desk or to Mr. Goodman's classroom, room 201. Senators are expected to attend many Mane Link events and Monday Morning meetings. While becoming a senator is a larger commitment than a volunteer, it is a great opportunity to help your community.

Become an Exec Member:

KMHS students can become apart of our mane link exec board by applying and going through an interview process. Applications will be out later in the year.


2024-2025 Exec Board and Contact Info:

  • Isabella Edrish (Student Body Co-President)
  • Felica Vuu (Student Body Co-President)
  • Tristin Bradshaw (Student Body Vice President)

  • Saakshi Singh (Senior Class President)
  • Sarah Nwadike (Senior Class Vice President)
  • Taylor Hughes (Senior Class Treasurer)
  • Issac Wambui (Senior Class Secretary)

  • Mahika Mamidipalli (Junior Class President)
  • Dheeraj Kondragunta (Junior Class Vice President)
  • Victor Onuoha (Junior Class Treasurer) 
  • Ayden Pollitt-Martin (Junior Class Secretary)

  • Michelle Makori (Sophomore Class President)
  • Keyara Hume (Sophomore Class Vice President)
  • Neeraj Kondragunta (Sophomore Class Treasurer)
  • Lindon Purpus (Sophomore Class Secretary)

  • Ishna Patel (Student Body Secretary)
  • Pavan Katragadda (Student Body Treasurer)
  • Riley-Alexis Brown (VP of Senate)
  • Grace Munene (VP of Communication)
  • Adriana Dinh (VP of community outreach)
  • Adyson Berryhill (VP of Academics Affairs)
  • Manahil Rana (Secretary of House)
  • Sabrina Mason (VP of house)
  • Ashley Donkor-Siaw (VP of Arts)
  • Mwenda Mutuma (Communications Council)
  • Angelo Gonzalez (Spirit Chair)
  • Isabella Crispino (Academic Affairs Council)
  • Sydni Demester (Arts Council)
  • Victoria Nguyen (Bookkeeper) 
  • Zaire Pinner (Parliamentarian)