Osborne Partner In Ed Summit A Huge Success

August 22, 2023
This morning, Osborne Hosted its annual Partner In Education Summit to establish a pathway for others to develop meaningful partnerships with not only Osborne but also our feeder schools. Osborne welcomed over 60 guests for this event. Attendees were welcomed to the school by student ambassadors who represented JROTC, Student Government, CITA, Football, and Baseball. Additionally, guests were greeted upon entry to the Learning Commons by a string quartet. After a brief networking opportunity, guests had the opportunity to enjoy breakfast prepared by the Osborne Culinary Program. Guests were given a chance to introduce themselves and why they were interested in participating in the event. The most common reply was that participants wanted to not only learn more about the schools present but also to give back and invest in our schools.
Following introductions, Principal Troy Jones shared his vision and why he cares so much about the school. Principal Jones explained, “we have something very special here at Osborne. Not only do we have great students, but we have an excellent faculty and community that deeply cares about being connected to the school.” Principal Jones wants everyone in the community and beyond to know that "we have arrived, 2,800+ strong, and that others should know that Osborne is coming to make great things happen."
Following Principal Jones, Dr. Ben Needle spoke about the rapid increase in community involvement over the past three months. Dr. Needle reported that Osborne has seen a 70% rise in social media followers and a dramatic increase in those interacting with social media accounts. He explained, “When I saw the interactions on Instagram and Facebook experience these dramatic shifts, it was evidence that the community is hungry to know what is going on in our school.” Dr. Needle also encouraged those in attendance to follow Osborne on social media to stay engaged with our school. He also shared Osborne’s Partner In Education Vision. Osborne’s Partner In Education Vision is to develop a network of schools, businesses, organizations, and leaders who seek to establish mutually beneficial relationships to strengthen OUR community.
Athletic Director Ron Boggs shared his passion for Osborne Athletics, the value of athletics for our students, and the need for support from the community. Mr. Boggs has set a goal for the construction of two new scoreboards for the softball and baseball programs. He explained, “Our athletes and coaches love the programs they participate in. However, the scoreboards on the fields are not something we are happy with. Our programs take great pride in what they do here at Osborne, and we need scoreboards that help that pride to show.” Mr. Boggs invited attendees to be part of helping our programs.
Lastly, Dr. Tiffany Barney shared the immense benefit that students who are part of CITA gain from interacting with cutting-edge technology and a staff comprised of industry experts. She shared a video highlighting some of CITA’s 17 career pathways. Dr. Barney continued by inviting those present to visit CITA and see the great training the students are receiving.
Those interested in joining others as partners in education at Osborne High School should reach out to Ben Needle for more information.