


Every year, the completion of one's K-12 education is something to be celebrated. This year, Osborne High School decided that our seniors deserved more than just a graduation ceremony. We look forward to the day when our students will walk across the stage and hear their names called. However, on May 10, 2024, we decided to start a new tradition for not only the seniors but also their family and friends. Thus, the SENIOR SPOTLIGHT was born.

On May 10 at 7:00, nearly 1000 members of the Osborne Community flooded Cardinal Stadium for an evening to honor all in attendance. The air was filled with music, provided by La Mejor Atlanta. Senior families set up tables and decorated them to honor their graduates. Members of the community were present to enjoy the festivities. The stadium was filled with laughter, music, and dancing.

As the sun was about to set, the senior class enjoyed the Senior Sunset and received directions on how the evening would progress.

Families lined up to be presented to the community as they shared the moment with the people who helped lead them to this point, whether it was their family, friends, teachers, or anyone they felt needed to stand with them as they were presented.

As the last senior was presented, there was one last group to be presented. The staff members present that night were introduced and received the loudest cheers of the evening. It was evident that eh community understood the essential role the Cardinal Staff played in this educational journey.

As the staff crossed the field, the community counted down from ten to zero and they were presented with a professional fireworks show to honor the evening.

 This event was possible thanks to the considerable generosity of partners like CSS Towing, the Atlanta Braves Foundation, Communities in Schools, LGE Community Credit Union,  Modern Woodmen of America, and the Cobb Schools Foundation.

We can’t wait to celebrate again!

Quad%201.JPGOur Community Celebrating A New Tradition

Double%20Fam.JPGFamilies Preparing For The Show

WALK.JPGFamilies, Faculty, and Friends in the Spotlight