Title I
Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015, provides funding to school districts to help ensure that all children, particularly those who are most academically at-risk, meet challenging state academic standards. Schools participating in the Title I program receive funds, based on the percentage of students qualifying for free or reduced-price school meals. Programs are designed to ensure high standards for all, increase quality instructional time, improve instruction through professional development, enhance family participation in the educational process and give schools the opportunity to provide additional educational resources, for the most at-risk students.
School Improvement Plan & Title I Budget
Pearson Middle School School Improvement Plan 2024-2025
Pearson Middle School Title I Budget 2024-2025
Parent and Family Engagement School and District Policies
Pearson Parent and Family Engagement Policy and Plan 2024-25
CCSD Family & Community Engagement Policy
District Family Information Guide
Pearson 2024-2025 Parent-Student-School Compact
School Choice Transfers
2024-2025 Parent's Right to Know Qualifications of Teachers
Parents Right to Know - English (page 10 inside the guide)
Parents Right to Know - Spanish
Georgia School Grades Report - Georgia's Office of Student Achievement (GOSA)
Georgia School Grades - Pearson
District Title I Office
Parent Resource Center
The Pearson Middle School Parent Resource Center is here to support families in fostering student success. The Parent Resource Center is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. This center is led by Parent Facilitator Yolanda Ruiz. The center provides valuable resources and assistance to all Pearson families. Parents can access educational materials and explore ParentVUE to monitor student progress and attendance. The center also offers internet access, use of the library learning commons, and the Fresh Market and Pilots Hanger to help meet family needs. We are dedicated to strengthening the connection between home and school, ensuring every child has the tools to thrive. Visit us today!
Pearson Parent Facilitator
Mrs. Yolanda Ruiz
770-429-6012 ext. 045