Parent/Student Information
Smyrna Elementary Parent Information
Lost and Found
Please visit Lost and Found for missing coats, jackets, caps, and other items. Lost and Found is located in the hallway behind the cafeteria stage. Unclaimed items are donated to MUST Ministries on the last school day of each month.
Food Allergies
Due to numerous peanut allergies, Smyrna Elementary is a peanut-sensitive school. We ask that parents not send any food items or snacks containing peanuts or peanut products. Our cafeteria serves SunButter, a peanut-free, tree-nut free alternative.
Honor Roll
Principal’s Honor Roll is received when students receive all A’s, 3’s and S’s. Honor Roll is received when students receive all A’s, B’s, 2’s, 3’s and S’s
Perfect Attendance
Perfect Attendance for the grading period is earned when students have no absences or tardies.
Internet Safety for Students
In the Cobb County School District, we believe that the internet can be a great resource and tool. Many of our students use computers or mobile devices to play games, learn, and to explore the world around them. Please be sure to speak with your children about what they’re doing online. Let it be a natural part of your everyday conversation and show interest in what they may be experiencing as they explore the Internet. While the Internet is full of useful material it also contains many pitfalls and dangers. Students may stumble across inappropriate or harmful content, they may experience online bullying, they might encounter predators, or even expose too much of their own personal life online. The best way to protect your children online is to ensure an open and honest dialogue about their activities exists. Online safety is not just about reminding your children about the dangers that strangers present, but it’s about teaching your children to be wise and to practice safe online behavior.
Please see the attachment Best Practices for Online Safety (Parents).pdf to learn how to keep children safe online.