At North Cobb, we believe a student’s success in life is dependent upon more than just grades. To become truly “educated,” we believe students must recognize and develop their intellect, their talents, and their aspirations.
We are deeply focused on 21st century academics and offer a variety of curricular and extracurricular options for students. Our students enjoy advanced placement courses, NJROTC, fine arts, career and technical education courses, world languages, nationally recognized clubs, and athletics.
Cobb families know the Cobb County School District has a reputation for excellence, as Cobb’s students consistently perform better than their peers. You could live anywhere, yet over 200,000 parents choose to raise their children in Cobb. You know that a Cobb education gives your children a competitive advantage for scholarships, college, future employment, and life.
Once again, Cobb families can feel even more confident their students are receiving a high-quality education following the most recent accreditation review by Cognia, one of Cobb’s accrediting agencies and one of the largest in the world.
After recently completing an Accreditation Engagement Review, which took almost one year to complete, every school in Cobb County has been accredited for an additional six years.
Our Vision
Warrior Nation: Inspiring Excellence
Our Mission
The Warrior Nation inspires excellence by building relationships, setting high expectations, and preparing diverse students.
International Skills
We are pleased to offer students at North Cobb opportunities to develop international skills that increase their global competency both in the workplace and at university.
The Georgia Department of Education recently chose North Cobb as an International Skills Diploma School. This allows us to confer a special International Skills Diploma on students who take four world language courses, a selection of internationally oriented science and social studies courses, and participate in international activities and a capstone project.
Advanced Placement
APCS-Advanced Placement Certified Schools students at North Cobb High School may also elect to take Advanced Placement (AP) courses as part of their course load to potentially earn college credit for their hard work.
The Georgia Board of Education recently recognized North Cobb as an AP Honor School in the following categories:
AP Schools of Distinction
Schools with at least 20% of the total student population taking AP exams and at least 50% of all AP exams earning scores of 3 or higher.
AP Access and Support Schools
Schools with at least 30% of AP exams taken by students who identified themselves as African-American and/or Hispanic, and 30% of all AP exams earning scores of three or higher.
AP Merit Schools
Schools with at least 20% of the total student population taking AP exams and at least 50% of all AP exams earning scores of three or higher.
AP Humanities Schools
Schools with students testing in the following AP courses: at least one english/language arts course, two history/social science courses, one fine arts course, and one world language course.
AP Humanities Achievement Schools
AP Humanities schools (see above definition) with at least 50% of all AP Humanities exams earning scores of 3 or higher.
AP STEM Schools
Schools with students testing in at least two AP math courses and two AP science courses (AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, AP Statistics, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Environmental Science, AP Physics 1, AP Physics 2, AP Physics C, AP Computer Science A, and AP Computer Science Principles).
AP STEM Achievement Schools
AP STEM schools (see above definition) with at least 50% of all AP STEM exams earning scores of 3 or higher.
Dual Enrollment
NCHS allows any high school student to earn high school and college credit concurrently. This program pays for post-secondary tuition, mandatory fees, and books, but it may not cover all course-related fees and supplies. Each student is responsible for meeting the college entrance requirements, including application fees. Learn more about Georgia’s Dual Enrollment Program online, or visit with your guidance counselor.
Fast Facts
School: North Cobb HS
School District: Cobb County
Serving: Grades 9–12
Population: 2565
Mascot: Warriors
Colors: Navy and Orange