North Cobb Foundation


The North Cobb Foundation provides North Cobb High School with supplemental financial resources to improve instruction and better equip students and teachers for the learning process. 

While district and state funding provides our students with exceptional academic support, we are still forced to turn down many excellent, supplemental education opportunities because of a lack of funding. Our vision is to enhance each student’s academic experience and support teacher development by providing for as many of those supplemental opportunities as possible.

Donations and Fundraisers

The North Cobb Foundation is a tax-deductible organization filed as a 501(c)(3) with the Georgia Secretary of State. All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Please speak with your tax accountant regarding limitations and filing requirements.

Support the students and teachers at North Cobb HS through the North Cobb Foundation. To donate, please visit the North Cobb Foundation page at Give Lively.

Become a Foundation Star
Become a foundation star by giving at one of the levels below. We will add your name to a plaque at the appropriate level.

  • Sponsor: $100 to $499
  • Benefactor: $500 to $999
  • Patron: $1000 to $4999
  • Fellow: $5000 to $24,999
  • Chair: $25,000 and up

To donate, please visit the North Cobb Foundation page at Give Lively and enter your desired gift in the blank amount box. You may also donate with your smart phone. Please text NC2020 to 44-321. We appreciate your generosity!

Wish Your Student a Public Happy Birthday

We would like to offer you an opportunity to wish your student “Happy Birthday” on our marquee! For only $25, your student’s name will appear on our main entrance marquee for one day. Due to letter and space limitations, the HAPPY BIRTHDAY greeting will remain the same; only the student’s name will change.

To wish your student a public “Happy Birthday,” simply complete a Happy Birthday form at least one week prior to the special day. 

Direct questions to Kennedy Reese at (770) 975.6685.

Class of 1999 Challenge

The North Cobb Foundation would like to challenge the Class of 1999 to raise $1999.00. You are the first class to take up this initiative. Devin Johnson says you guys are up to the task and will set the standard for all other classes to follow! To make a donation, please visit the Class of 1999 Give Lively donation page.