
Teasley Elementary' s Kickoff Orientation Passport

Announcement, Community, School Event, School Programs
Teasley Elementary 23-24 Kickoff Orientation Passport

Teasley%20Passport%20Website%20Photo-3.png This year parents and students will be provided with a Kickoff Orientation Passport! Families will visit different stations set up around the school, which will have all the information and tools students and their families will need to have a successful school year. Stations will include a table for: the GoSAFE dismissal system, ParentVUE access (the platform which houses student attendance, report cards, student information changes, etc.), ASP (after school program), cafeteria information - breakfast & lunch menus, meal costs, free & reduced lunch/breakfast program information, and how to pay for meals, PTA & PAWs Foundation (Join PTA & Teasley's PAWs Foundation!) purchase spirit wear, bus route information, meet homeroom teachers, and more! Passports will be distributed at our kickoff orientation event, on July 31st. For your convenience, you can also view and print a copy of the passport, using the attached PDF file. We are looking forward to welcoming all our Teasley Tigers and their families to what we are sure will be an AMAZING year!