
Class of 2024: We Want Your Vote!

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Written by Journalism Staff Reporter Catherine Golovin

As campaign flyers and slogans are tacked up on every wall, Allatoona approaches the most political week of the year: student elections. This year’s rising seniors are currently engaged in an extreme head-to-head race for presidency, and it’s anyone’s guess who will triumph and take the titles of Senior Class President and Vice President. After interviewing Abby Adams and Brayden Smith, I got the inside scoop on the potential candidates and their plans for next year.  

Abby Adams, an involved and dedicated junior, promises to be fully committed to making senior year connected and unforgettable with monthly events planned throughout the year. Back-to-School Beach Day at Cauble Park, Senior Skate Night, a fall hike at Allatoona Creek Park, and a Senior Field Trip are a few of Abby’s many ideas. With a life centered around leadership since elementary school, Abby believes she is more than qualified to represent the class of ‘24 as Senior President. She has held executive positions in student government since her freshman year and has extensive experience organizing events with administration. Among her many accomplishments, starting her own successful community service project from scratch is one of her most notable achievements. Abby spends her free time volunteering in non-profit organizations such as Folds of Honor and Sleep in Heavenly Peace as well as babysitting and golfing competitively. 

Brayden Smith, a hard-working junior here at Allatoona, has an extensive plan and lots of exciting new ideas for the senior class. One event he wants to implement is a Senior Sunset and a Senior Sunrise to bookend the school year as well as an end-of-term bonfire to create an unforgettable goodbye for class of ‘24. He also plans on continuing traditions such as Senior Movie Day and Dress-Up week.  Being a director in Helm as well as NHS President and being part of various lacrosse teams throughout his life has well prepared Brayden for a leadership position. He is always open to new ideas and encourages open communication from his peers to improve school life and make senior year the best one yet. Outside of school, Brayden loves playing lacrosse and hanging out with his friends. 

Voting takes place tomorrow, Wednesday, April 26th and will run from 8am to 2pm. Look out for QR codes around the school and on the school socials, and don’t forget that your vote counts!