
Course Registration

Academics, Student Success


Course Catalog

All students should review the course catalog before making selections. The course catalog contains most of the information that you will need to know about our class offerings and the scheduling process. Click on the appropriate link to access the Course Catalog for your grade next year:

High School Course Planning

The spreadsheet below can be used to plan out all four years of high school.  

Credit Tracking Spreadsheet

Courses Requiring an Application

(Completing an application does not guarantee a spot in the course, and incomplete applications WILL NOT be considered)

Community Service/Learning (Formerly Newspaper/Journalism), Mentorship, Minimum Day, Work-Based Learning, Yearbook 

CVA/GaVS Contract for 2024-2025 (online classes)

Dual Enrollment Contract and Dual Enrollment Information

To apply to graduate early, please fill out the form below then turn it into the Counseling Office.

Early Graduation Form

Schedule Changes

Choices made by students during course registration are considered final. Courses offered and school staffing are based on the decisions that students make during the registration process. Student schedules will not be changed except for scheduling errors:

  • Credit for the course already earned
  • Prerequisite course not completed
  • Course needed for graduation (Seniors only)
  • Course on registration form entered incorrectly
  • Consecutive courses in same semester
  • IEP/ELL placement changes

If you have any questions along the way, our counseling staff is happy to assist you.