
Congratulations to Art's Katherine Weller on Being Named Artist of the Week!

Our People, Student Success, Clubs and Organizations
Spotlight Image - Congrats to Artist of the Week Katherine Weller


Written by Journalism Staff Reporter Mia Rooney

Allatoona’s artist of the week is senior Katherine Weller. She was chosen by her ceramics teacher, Laura McInerny. She says, “I chose Katherine because she has a level of creativity you rarely see in high school, and her work is as good as any college exit show I have ever seen.” Katherine has been doing art since elementary school. Her preferred mediums are painting and ceramics; her least favorite medium to work with is watercolor. Her most recent piece is a ceramic sculpture called The Mind of Robert P. Van Goth. It is based on famous people such as Bobby Fisher, Paul Morphy, and Vincent Van Gogh.  When asked why she was chosen for artist of the week, she said, “I’ve been working really hard on my ceramics.” Her advice to future artists is, “It’s okay to make mistakes!” She is unsure if she would pursue ceramics as a career but would like to continue doing ceramics as a hobby when she gets older. Congratulations to artist of the week Katherine Weller. You are so incredibly talented and continue to strive for excellence every day. Incredible job.

Spotlight image created in Canva by Mia Rooney