
Ahoy, End of the Year Finalists!

Academics, Student Success, Graduation
Spotlight Image - Ahoy End of the Year Finalists


Written by Journalism Staff Reporter Raquel Newson

Ahoy, Buccaneers! As the end of the school year approaches, some of us are experiencing a severe case of Senioritis, while others of us are having an increase in stress with finals just around the corner. While finals and the future may seem frightening to some, rest assured- You have everything it takes to succeed at whatever it is you wish to achieve. If you’re concerned about any of your grades, remember that you have enough time to finalize any retake you may need to do to help bump your grade up to a place that better satisfies you. Remember that your teachers are always willing to help work with you and only want the best for you! To those who are graduating and aren’t certain what the next step is for their lives; you absolutely do not have to know what you want to do next. A lot of people who graduate from college often don’t know what career path they want to go down, and students in college have typically changed their major at least once or twice by their senior year. According to the U.S News & World Report, “Students change majors for a number of reasons. Certain courses, internships or job experiences may change a student's mind about pursuing a certain degree path. Some might decide they prefer a major with a higher starting salary. Others may experience a change of heart and discover a new interest or passion while in college”. In other words, it is 100% normal to try something new just to see if you like that path or not! If you aren’t content with whatever major or job you try, you have several other options to select from. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different career choices. As for everyone taking the finals, remember that even taking just 15 minutes out of your day to study will go a long way; more than you may realize. Summer break will be here before you realize it, and it won’t be long before you’re at the Hartsfield-Jackson Airport getting ready to go on a much-needed vacation or sleeping each day of your break away in bed- Remember that.

Works Cited 

Claybourn, Cole. Should You Change Major in:  College. DC, Washington: U.S News & World Report, 2022.