Final Exams (Fall 2024)
First Semester - Fall 2024 Final Exam Schedule
Thursday, December 19 | Friday, December 20 | ||
(Early Release) | (Early Release) | ||
1st block exam | 8:20 AM - 9:55 AM | 3rd block exam | 8:20 AM - 9:55 AM |
2nd block exam | 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM | 4th block exam | 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM |
We will not interrupt a final exam for a student check-out. Please plan accordingly.
GA Milestone End-Of-Course (EOC) Assessments: According to CCSD Administrative Rule IHAA-R, some courses specified by the GA BOE (in accordance with O.C.G.A. 20-2-240: 20-2-281) shall use the appropriate EOC state-adopted assessment as the final exam in the course. These courses are US History, Biology, American Lit, and Algebra. Students in these courses should check with their teachers for the EOC schedule. Students who miss an EOC will have a grade of zero (0) entered for the test, and the zero will be calculated in the final course grade. Students may make up missed EOCs only during state testing windows. Contact Dr. Dixon - EOC Testing Coordinator (extension 014) if you miss an EOC.
FINAL EXAMS: According to district administrative rule IHAA-R, all high school courses not possessing an EOC assessment must have a comprehensive final exam. Final exams may NOT be given early or at any time other than the regularly scheduled time as reflected in the schedule above. Students who miss a final exam for any reason (excused/unexcused) will have a grade of zero (0) entered for the final exam, and the zero will be calculated in the final course grade.
- Classes with an EOC will administer a unit test or other assessment on the final exam days. These assessments will follow the Final Exam schedule.
- There are no final exam exemptions; all students must take final exams.
MAKE UP EXAMS: If a student is absent on the day of a final exam, then the student must make up the missed exam(s) on Friday, January 3. Students are responsible for scheduling the make up exam with their classroom teacher. The original zero for the missed exam will be replaced with the make-up exam grade, and the final course grade will be recalculated.
EARLY DISMISSAL: All students will be dismissed at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, December 19, and Friday, December 20. Regular bus transportation is provided at the early dismissal time ONLY, and ALL students must either ride the bus or have arrangements for transportation to leave campus at 11:30 a.m. Parents are STRONGLY encouraged to allow their child(ren) to ride the bus if that is their normal mode of transportation. Lunch will NOT be served on these two exam days; however, students may purchase a Grab-n-Go sack lunch in the courtyard or in the cafeteria at dismissal. ALL students must leave campus!
- First semester report cards are scheduled to be posted in ParentVUE on Friday, January 10, 2025.
- Students are their parents are financially obligated for any lost or damaged textbooks or library books.
- January 2 and 3 are student holidays/teacher workdays. Monday, January 6 is the first day of classes for students.