Special Education Abbreviations, Acronyms and Terminology


Use this alphabetical guide to understand common abbreviations. acronyms and terminology referred to in the realm of special education.

AAC - Alternative Augmentative Communication

ABA - Applied Behavior Analysis

ADD/ADHD - Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder

AdPE - Adapted Physical Education

AT - Assistive Technology

AU - Autism

BIP - Behavior Intervention Plan

CBI - Community Based Instruction

CTI - Career Technology Instructor

CBST - Community (or Campus) Based Skills Training

CPI - Crisis Prevention Intervention

DTT - Discrete Trial Training

DHH - Deaf/Hard of Hearing

EBD - Emotional Behavior Disorder

ESY - Extended School Year

FAPE - Free Appropriate Public Education

FBA - Functional Behavior Assessment

FTE - Full Time Equivalency

GAA - Georgia Alternative Assessment

ID - Intellectual Disability

IDEA - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

IEE - Independent Educational Evaluation 

IEP - Individual Education Program

IRR - Interrelated Resource

ITP - Individual Transition Plan

LD - Learning Disability

LEA - Local Educational Agency

LEP - Limited English Proficiency

LRE - Least Restrictive Environment

MID - Mildly Intellectually Disabled

MOID - Moderately Intellectually Disabled 

OHI - Other Health Impaired

OI - Orthopedic Impaired

O&I - Orientation and Mobility

OT - Occupational Therapy

PA - Preparatory Activity 

PAES - Practical Assessment and Exploration System

PECS - Picture Exchange Communication System

PID - Profoundly Intellectually Disabled

PDD - Pervasive Developmental Disorder

PT - Physical Therapy

PWN - Prior Written Notice

RtI - Response to Intervention

SDD - Significant Developmental Delay

SETS - Supported Employment Transition Services

SI - Speech Impairment

SID - Severely Intellectually Disabled

SNP - Special Needs Preschool

SLD - Specific Learning Disability

SLP - Speech Language Pathologist

SST - Student Support Team

TA - Transition Academy

TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury

VI - Visually Impaired