


                                                       2024-2025 Hollydale PTA Board

                                                                Kalia Taylor - President

                                                                OPEN - Vice President

                                                             Nicole Jennings - Secretary

                                                        Martha Lozano-Cantu - Treasurer

                                                     OPEN - Program & Events Committee

                                                         Jennifer Ridgway - Principal                                                   

What is PTA?

The PTA is the Parent Teacher Association (PTA). Hollydale Elementary PTA plays a crucial role in support-ing students, teachers, and families. We work diligently with school administration, staff, parents, and the community to provide academic excellence and community involvement. Fostering a collaborative envi-ronment where everyone works together for the benefit of our young learners. Hollydale PTA strives to uphold the mission and purpose of the National and Georgia PTA.

PTA Mission? 

To make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.

PTA Values

 Collaboration: We work in partnership with a wide array of individuals and organizations to accomplish our agreed-upon goals. 

Commitment: We are dedicated to promoting children’s health, well-being, and educational success through strong parent, family, and community involvement. 

Accountability: We acknowledge our obligations. We deliver on our promises. 

Respect: We value our colleagues and ourselves. We expect the same high quality of effort and thought from ourselves as we do from others. 

Inclusivity: We invite the stranger and welcome the newcomer. We value and seek input from as wide a spectrum of viewpoints and experiences as possible. 

Integrity: We act consistently with our beliefs. When we err, we acknowledge the mistake and seek to make amends.

Georgia PTA

National PTA

Hollydale PTA Facebook