Georgia Student Health Survey
Georgia Student Health Survey
The Georgia Student Health Survey is an anonymous, statewide survey instrument that identifies school safety and climate issues that impact student achievement. In order to provide a safe and supportive learning environment for your child, the Georgia Department of Education collects survey information from students during the school year. The survey takes approximately 20 minutes to complete and covers various topics such as school climate and safety, alcohol and drug use and mental health. All student survey data is anonymous and self-reported and will be submitted directly to the Georgia Department of Education.
Pope High School plans to provide this survey to all students on Wednesday, January 26 during their homeroom period. Survey participation is voluntary but participation is encouraged to maintain an accurate account of the supports students need at this time.
If a parent chooses to have their student(s) “opt out” then the form attached should be returned to the PPO office by Monday, January 24.
The Opt-Out form would only be submitted if you DO NOT want your student to participate.
Georgia Parent Survey
The Georgia Parent Survey is similar to the Student Health Survey. It is encouraged to take and submit to help provide feedback from the parent perspective. The link can be found here.