Pope Community Service Hours

Service Hour Guidelines 2024 – 2025
Pope High School encourages student involvement in activities which benefit the community. The student must NOT be compensated in any material way.
Students submitting hours earned only through Pope Clubs and Organizations must earn a minimum of 120 cumulative hours over their 4 years at Pope High School. Students may submit no more than 60 hours from clubs/organizations outside of Pope High School.
What Counts?
- Service projects sponsored by any school club, team, or organization.
- Volunteering with any agency, non-profit group, hospital, church, civic group or community organization. The activity must benefit the entire community (i.e. grounds clean-up, food drive, clothing drive, etc.). No credit will be given for participating in the normal operations of the organization (i.e. Sunday school class, Choir, etc.). No credit will be given for internships unless you work more hours than required. No credit will be given for being a manager of a sports team at Pope High School.
- Time that you spend planning for fund raising activities or drives for charities such as United Way, Relay for Life, etc.
- Time that you spend meeting in order to plan or organize a service event, learn about service opportunities or learn community leadership skills. No credit will be given for regular weekly/monthly meetings of a club/organization.
- Time spent volunteering with community organizations outside of Pope for which you get “credit” of some sort through that organization (i.e., a community volunteer organization that separately requires specific hours and gives you credit for hours served).
Submission of Hours
Pope is now tracking service hours online through the MobileServe app, but students must join PTSA through PTSA Membership Toolkit at popeptsa.org. After checking out, they will receive an email with detailed instructions for creating their MobileServe account. Volunteer hours must be verified through the app by signature or email response from the club or organization sponsor or adult in charge of the volunteer activity. You are responsible for checking in your app to make sure your sponsor verified your hours.
If you need help finding Pope volunteer hours, you can sign up for REMIND.
- Please text to 81010 and message @popeserve
- You will receive announcements about volunteer opportunities that you can sign up for throughout the year
Hours must be submitted in the school year they were earned. We cannot accept hours for previous school years.
Please contact Angela Blackwell at servicehours@popeptsa.org with questions.