Academies @ Pope
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Academies @ Pope
Mission: To cultivate future leaders in high demand fields including STEM and Global Markets. The Academies offer specialized curriculum and experiential opportunities to explore their areas of keen interest and develop 21st century skills.
What are the Academies at Pope?
The Academies at Pope are career pathways that offer a unique and rigorous curricula which combine academic and occupation-related course requirements to students of exceptional merit. The goal of the Academies at Pope is to prepare students for college and expose them to high-tech, high-need career options in STEM and Global fields.
Who should choose the Academies at Pope?
The Academies at Pope are designed for talented scholars who have a serious interest in STEM or Global career fields. Academy scholars should be creative self-starters who maintain high expectations for themselves and enjoy working in a team environment. These scholars should be interested in exploring a variety of learning opportunities that extend beyond the typical school day.
How do Academies differ from traditional curricula?
The Academies at Pope enriched curricula includes:
- Preparation for college and high-demand, high-wage careers
- Parent and community involvement
- Personalized learning environment for all students
- Engaging curriculum and instruction
- Opportunities for online courses, college credit, and professional certifications during high school
- Project-based, interdisciplinary learning
- Enrichment opportunities that extend beyond the traditional coursework
How do I become a scholar in one of the Academies at Pope?
Future Academy scholars must apply online to their choice of the Academy(ies) at Pope. The applicant will submit standardized test scores, teacher recommendations, and written essays.
Pope Academy Timeline 2024-2025
Attention School Choice Applicants: If you are NOT in the Pope Attendance Zone, you will have to go through the School Choice Application process.
Pope STEM Academy Application Link
Globalization Academy Application for the 2025-2026 School Year