
Student of the Week

student of the week

Congratulations! Austin was nominated by Mrs. Hebert who said, "Austin is a quiet by polite and determined young man who works hard in and out of the classroom. He is respectful, very responsible, and dependable. Students like him make teaching easy!"

Austin received her certificate from Dr. Danielson in Mrs. Hebert's class.

student of the week with principal and teacher

student of the week

Congratulations! Kailey was nominated by Coach Hall who said, "the class is different when she is not there. We are all the drink, and Kailey is the straw. She's smart, she's insightful, and she's a gifted writer. While maintaining that same poise that she had in the batter's box for Pope Softball, she is also simultaneously kind, empathetic, polite, and gets along well with teacher and classmates. My only regret in nominating Kailey is that I waited so long to fill this out for her... Kailey is going to continue her softball playing career at Jacksonville State University, where I know she will again meet with nothing but success. She can't help but do otherwise. She has made me extremely proud this year, and I know she is off to do great things in this world.

Kailey received her certificate from Mr. Bradford in Coach Hall's class.

Student of the week with principal and teacher

Congratulations! Tommy was nominated by Mrs. Thomas who said, "Tommy is a very kind and considerate individual. During labs he is always looking to see how he can help is peers. If he sees a student struggling he is attentive to their needs. After class he often stays without me asking and helps putting away materials and lab equipment. He inquires about my day and seems to genuinely care. 

Tommy received his certificate in Mrs. Thomas's class (on a lab day) from Mr. Moran. 

Student of the week with principal and teacher

student of the week

Congratulations! Gargi was nominated by Ms. Ransom who said, "Gargi has an amazingly positive attitude! Her friends and classmates can always count on her, and she is dedicated to her studies. Gargi doesn't get frustrated and is eager to work through whatever task is at hand. She is such a pleasure to have in class!"

Gargi received her certificate from Mr. Bradford.

Student of the week with principal

student of the week

Congratulations! Miguel was nominated by Mrs. Wallace who said, "after not doing so well in the fall semester Miguel has made a complete turnaround in the last two months of this semester of chemistry. He is consistently improving, completing his HW, and has even gained enough knowledge and confidence to help his classmates try and understand the material. It is a breath of fresh air to see this and it makes me very happy to see him working to his potential."

Miguel received his certificate in Mrs. Wallace's class from Mr. Bradford.

Student of the week with principal and teacher

student of the week

Congratulations! Matthew was nominated by Mr. Nixon who said that Matthew, "consistently does his best regardless of task and maintains a good attitude. He has commitments and achievements outside school that show that his connections with his world extend beyond Pope."

Matthew received his certificate from Mr. Bradford in class with Mr. Nixon.


student of the week

Congratulations! McKenna was nominated by Mrs. Ellis who said, "McKenna is one of the hardest workers I know. If she is ever absent, she comes in the morning that she gets back to ask what she's missed. She is very patient with our class and is always willing to put in the work. On our most recent vocabulary assignment I forgot to copy the back page. McKenna was the only student to still complete what I usually ask them to do on the back anyway. So, everyone else only did what was printed but McKenna took initiative to do the rest of the work that wasn't there but should've been." 

McKenna received her certificate from Dr. Danielson in Mrs. Ellis's class.

Student of the week with principal and teacher

student of the week

Congratulations! Ella was nominated by Ms. Malafronte who said, "Ella is always working diligently and with a positive attitude. She is helpful during group tasks, kind with all people in class, and proactive in ensuring her assignments are up to date." 

Ella received her certificate in Ms. Malafronte's class from Dr. Danielson.

Student of the week with principal and teacher

student of the week

Congratulations! Brady was nominated by Ms. Watson who said, "Brady shares his joy and excitement about ANYTHING I ask of him. His joy is contagious! He makes a room shine. He may be a VERY LARGE KID - but his childlike ways bring joy and a lightheartedness to my room that reminds us all that PLAY is the key to learning."

Brady received his certificate from Mr. Moran.

Student of the week with principal

student of the week

Congratulations! Alexis was nominated by Mrs. Jones who said, "Alexis gives 100% in every project she takes on and she has no fear of jumping into hard work. I am inspired by her enthusiasm and dedication." 

Alexis received her certificate from Mr. Bradford. You can see Alexis this week and next on stage in Freaky Friday!

Student of the week with principal and teacher

student of the week

Congratulations! Saanya was nominated by Mrs. Beckerman who said, "Saanya is a quiet force of nature. She has the best attitude in the 9th grade and works so hard.  She is learning to advocate for herself, and I love watching her self-confidence grow."

Saanya received her certificate from Dr. Danielson in Mrs. Lindgren and Mrs. Beckerman's class.

Student of the week with principal and teacher

student of the week

Congratulations! Fletcher was nominated by Ms. Viland and Mrs. Dillard who said, "Fletcher is a very hard worker in the classroom and on the athletic field / arena. He is always on task and asking questions if he needs clarification. He is personable and respectful to teachers and peers. Outside of the classroom, Fletcher is very involved in wrestling where he excels due to his work ethic. He never makes excuses and finds ways to persevere through problems rather than just giving up. Fletcher perseveres through any challenge that comes his way and we are fortunate to have the honor of teaching such an amazing student! 

Fletcher received his certificate from Mr. Bradford in Ms. Viland's class. 

Student of the week with principal and teacher

student of the week

Congratulations! Chloe was nominated by Ms. Welch who said, "Chloe has shown exceptional leadership in my classroom this year. She's always willing to go the extra mile. She has worked really hard getting us ready to open the spirit store!"

Chloe received her certificate from Mr. Bradford.

Student of the week with principal

Student of the Week

Congratulations! Hoyt was nominated by Mrs. Giardina who said, "Hoyt is one of the hardest working students I have. He is very conscientious of his studies, always striving to do his best. Hoyt gets along with his peers and is a leader during labs. He is a model student and truly a pleasure to teach."

Hoyt received his certificate in Mrs. G's room from Mr. Moran.Student of the week with principal and teacher

student of the week

Congratulations! Abigail was nominated by Coach Savvy who said, "Abigail is 100% reliable! She always has a smile on her face and a great attitude to go with it. She is excellent at producing quality videos for anything that she is assigned. She also produces additional videos just for fun. She is a pleasure to have in class every day."

Abigail received her certificate from Dr. Danielson.


student of the week

Congratulations! Grace was nominated by Mrs. Williams who said, "Grace has a love for learning and improving that I have seen in very few students. Of course, Grace strives for good grades, but she concerns herself most with learning, improving, and leading. She has been a great leader in the classroom. Best of all, you cannot be in a bad mood around Grace. You just smile when you see her. She makes the entire class feel welcome and heard. Just an awesome young lady. I'm so thankful to teach her."

Grace received her certificate from Dr. Danielson in Mrs. Williams's class.

Student of the week with principal and teacher

student of the week

Congratulations! Michael was nominated by Ms. Watson who said, "Michael is my trusty 'Jack Russell' leading the way into the forest of knowledge. He finds all of my mistakes (and I keep him busy). He solves many of my quandaries that deal with logic."

Michael received his certificate from Mr. Bradford in Ms. Watson's class.

Student of the week with principal and teacher

Student of the Week

Congratulations! Abby was nominated by Mrs. Wojtczak who said, "Abby has worked hard all year both in the classroom and on the softball field. She is super responsible in keeping up with her schoolwork on her own and is a joy to teach."

Abby received her certificate from Mr. Bradford in Mrs. Wojtczak's class.

Student of the week with principal and teacher


Congratulations! Trey was nominated by Dr. Kokan who said, "Trey enters my room with a smile every day. He always brightens the mood in my class." 

Trey received his certificate from Principal Bradford in Dr. Kokan's class.

Student of the week with principal and teacher

Student of the Week

Congratulations! Elle was nominated by Coach Bailey who said, "Elle is a significant example of an elite student. She responds well to setbacks and doesn't prevent her from losing focus on the next objective. Her approach to AP World is consistent, and she produces excellent written responses. She sets the bar high for herself and her work ethic influences those who know her!"

Elle received her certificate from Mr. Bradford in Coach Bailey's class.

Student of the week with principal and teacher

Student of the Week

Congratulations! Nadia was nominated by Mrs. Woodson who said, "Nadia has made the transition to Pope High School from South Africa with a positive attitude and tremendous grace. She is open to new ideas and new experiences. She greets her classmates and teachers every day and genuinely cares for how they are doing. She enjoys learning new things and embraces the opportunity to learn a new culture and new traditions. She is a dedicated and hard working student that makes the classroom a brighter and more joyful place to be everyday."

Nadia was presented her certificate in Mrs. Woodson's class.

student of the week and teacher

student of the week

Congratulations! Leo was nominated by Mrs. Strydom who said, "Leo always helps his collaborative team achieve success on assignments. More importantly, Leo helps me straighten up my room and collect class sets of readings every day while everyone else races out the door at the end of the school day. Leo is a perfect example of a student committed to the right action. He shows leadership skills that Pope HS prizes." 

Leo was presented his certificate by Dr. Danielson.


student of the week

Congratulations! Jordan was nominated by Ms. Fraker who said, "Jordan is a hardworking student who tries his best in US History. He is kind-hearted, has a great personality, and a contagious laugh."

Jordan was presented his certificate by Mr. Fisher in class with Ms. Fraker.

Student of the week with principal and teacher

student of the week

Congratulations! Andrew was nominated by Dra. Ognibene who said, "Andrew is a kind young man who respects his classmates and all adults. He works hard in and out of class, and he applies himself to every single task. He always thanks me at the end of class, too. During class, he speaks Spanish, even when he is not required to do so. He pushes me to be a better teacher because he has such a thirst for wisdom. He personifies everything that is great about Pope High School." 

Andrew was presented his certificate by Mr. Bradford.

Student of the week with principal


Congratulations! Westley was nominated by Mrs. Bowen and Mr. Williams who said, "Westley goes out of their way to help my class." They also praised Westley for being kind, compassionate, and making a difference in their classroom. 

Westley was presented his certificate by Dr. Danielson.


Student of the Week

Congratulations! Shivani was nominated by Mrs. Hamill who said, "Shivani is a kind soul. She speaks to every person in the front office and asks them how they are doing. She also cleans our offices and decorates them with her colored pictures. Shivani works hard in the Greyhound Grounds cafe getting hot coffee and treats ready for our students."

Shivani was presented her certificate by Dr. Danielson.

Student of the week with principal


Congratulations! Daphne was nominated by Ms. Malafronte who said she, "consistently works diligently both in and out of class, even when not required. She is a great problem solver and shares her knowledge with classmates during group assignments without hesitation." 

Daphne was presented her certificate by Mr. Bradford in Ms. Malafronte's class.

Student of the week with principal and teacher

Student of the Week

Congratulations! Lily was nominated by Mrs. Welch who said, "this young lady is a true leader! She always tries to find the good in everything and is such a gentle soul. She gives off the best energy and I love having her in class."

Lily was presented her certificate by Mr. Bradford.

Student of the week and principal

student of the week

Congratulations! Diego was nominated by Ms. Watson, Mrs. Mikula, and Mrs. Hudson who all had outstanding things to say about him. Mrs. Mikula described him as being, "so respectful, hard-working, and a constant positive light in our class." Mrs. Hudson said that Diego, "puts forth 100% effort and is willing to help others at any time. He genuinely cares about his fellow classmates and his teachers." Ms. Watson said, "he leans in when we discuss important topics. He always comes up to use to thank us at the end of every class." 

Diego was presented his certificate by Mr. Bradford in Mrs. Mikula's class.

student of the week with principal and teacher

student of the week

Congratulations! Leo was nominated by Mrs. White who said, "Leo has been kind, well-mannered, and helpful to both me and his classmates from the moment he walked into the classroom. He is continually looking for ways to help others and better himself. Because my flat panel wasn't working properly, I am working problems around the classroom on whiteboards. When I had trouble seeing the problems from across the room, he decided to read the problems to me which made everything easier and faster for the class as a whole. Leo is a fine gentleman. We look forward to a great year with him in class!"

Leo was presented his certificate by Mrs. White and Dr. Danielson.

student of the week with principal and teacher


Congratulations! Jackson was nominated by by Mrs. Wallace who said, "in the first week, he showed he was responsible and respectful - not only in choices for himself for this class - but towards me and my opinions on things, his parents, and others in class. He has shown a great enthusiasm too." Way to go, Jackson!

Student of the Week

Congratulations! Ein was nominated by Mr. LaFleur who said, "Ein was super helpful in setting up and attending the Math Team club display for Greyhound Madness, and she always brings a great energy to the club! She spent a few hours pitching the club to prospective members, and is passionate about getting more students involved in STEM extracurriculars."

Ein was presented her certificate by Mr. Bradford.

Student of the week with principal

Student of the Week

Congratulations! Mark was nominated by Mrs. Strydom who said, "for years, I have watched Mark dedicate his time to take pictures of our Greyhound student body. He would stay late at night to take amazing pictures of our student athletes and artists. I have always appreciated his dedication, but never truly realized how selfless Mark is. He took time out of his day to help my sophomores troubleshoot the Wi-Fi access for their personal devices so they could upload their assignments. Without Mark, my class would have fallen into a state of chaos. I can never truly thank him enough for helping a me, a teacher, in a time of need. I will never forget his kind act. Mark truly exemplifies the characteristics we value at Pope High School. Mark... thank you!"

Mark was presented his certificate by Mr. Bradford.

Student of the week and principal


Congratulations! Layton was nominated by Mrs. Lindgren and Mrs. Beckerman who said, "Layton embraced the Pope community immediately. He participated in his first spirit day with excitement and despite being in a class with very quiet peers, he was brave enough to contribute to class discussion and continued to contribute positively throughout the week." 

Layton was presented his certificate by Mr. Bradford in Mrs. Lindgren and Mrs. Beckerman's room. 

Student of the week with principal and teacher