PSAT Information

Pope High School will be administering the PSAT/NMSQT (National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test) digitally the morning of Wednesday, October 9, 2024.
- 9th Graders: Pope High School pays the fee
- 10th Graders: The state of Georgia pays the fee
- 11th Graders: Juniors pay $18 fee to participate:
- Go to MyPaymentsPlus to make payment.
- Deadline to pay is 4:00pm Thursday, August 29th.
- No payments can be accepted after 4:00 P.M. for any reason.
This year, the PSAT/NMSQT will be administered DIGITALLY. This means students must bring their fully charged laptop and charging cord the morning of testing. For more information about the digital test and why taking the PSAT is important, click HERE.
Deadline to apply for accommodations on the PSAT with College Board is Friday, August 16th.
The junior year PSAT/NMSQT result is the test used to enter the National Merit Scholarship and the National Achievement Scholarship Programs.
Preparation for PSAT
- Students must download the College Board Bluebook App to the laptop to be used for testing and familiarize themselves with the Bluebook testing application.
- Students must have their login information for their College Board account to download the Bluebook app.
- Students can practice for the digital administration of the PSAT/NMSQT/SAT using this app.
- More information about the digital SAT
- In support of our School Strategic Plan, Pope will provide PSAT prep to all 9-11 graders during A.O. Tuesday, Aug. 13th through Thursday, Sept. 19th.
For an excellent discussion about the transition from the paper-pencil SAT to the digital SAT given by Dr. Jed Applerouth in June, 2023, watch “The Digital SAT is Coming: What the Class of 2025 Needs to Know”.