Wheeler Heads to Macon with a Huge Sendoff from Cluster Schools

The Wheeler Boys' Basketball team is in Macon getting ready for their 6A Championship game tomorrow night against the Newton Rams. Before leaving Marietta, though, the Wildcats made the rounds of a few surrounding schools, collecting encouragement and fist bumps along the way.
The team started their tour of nearby schools at Sedalia Park Elementary, followed by East Cobb Middle, then on to Eastvalley Elementary, closing out with a massive sendoff from their classmates at Wheeler.
Check out the video below, made by Wheeler teacher Nicholas Brooks:
The 28-3 Wildcats are on a 20-game win streak and beat the Rams earlier in the season, 77-64. The Macon Coliseum will be the place to be for this final GHSA game of the 2024-25 basketball season.
Good luck, Wildcats! Bring home the tenth state title for Wheeler!