


The School Day  

The building will open by 7:15 A.M. for students who need to arrive early. Students that arrive between 7:15AM and 7:45AM are expected to sit in the cafeteria until 7:45AM. Students should be in class by the 8:20 A.M bell.  However, the school day officially begins for a student upon arrival to campus. If a student arrives to school early for any reason (detention, make-up work, extra help), they are expected to always remain on campus until the school day ends at 3:30 P.M. or administrative permission has been granted for early dismissal. Students will be required to leave the building by 3:45 unless under the direct supervision of a faculty member.   

Student Absences 

When a student has been absent, a statement should be written the next day from a parent or guardian stating the reason for the absence. If a statement is not submitted via CTLS or email, the absence is recorded as unexcused. The student has three school days to clear an absence.  If a student has a court appearance, court documentation should be provided for an excused absence.

The GA Board of Ed. states that students may be excused from school for the following reasons:   

  1. Personal illness or when attendance in school endangers the student’s health or the health of others.  
  2. A serious illness or death in a student’s immediate family necessitating absence from school.  
  3. A court order or an order by a government agency, including pre-induction physical examinations for service in the armed forces, mandating absence from school.  
  4. The observation of religious holidays, necessitating absence from school.  
  5. Conditions rendering attendance impossible or hazardous to student health or safety.  
  6. Registering to vote or voting in a public election, which shall not exceed one day.  
  7. A student whose parent or legal guardian is in military service in the armed forces of the United States or the National Guard, and such parent or legal guardian has been called to duty for or is on leave from overseas deployment to a combat zone or combat support posting, shall be granted excused absences, up to a maximum of five school days per school year, for the day or days missed from school to visit with his or her parent or legal guardian prior to such parent’s or legal guardian’s deployment or during such parent’s or legal guardian’s leave. Nothing in this Code section shall be construed to require a local school system to revise any policies relating to maximum number of excused and unexcused absences for any purposes.  
  8. Any other absence not explicitly defined herein but deemed by the local school board of education to have merit based on circumstances.  

We strongly encourage students to attend school daily. Although makeup work may be completed after a student’s return from an absence, there is no substitute for actual classroom instruction. Parents are encouraged to check their student’s daily attendance, grades, and attendance history by accessing ParentVue on the county’s website, https://parentvue.cobbk12.org/PXP2_Login.aspx.  Please note that ParentVue rolls up with students from one grade to the other.  When a new student enrolls, the parent creates a ParentVue account in order to register.  If a parent forgets their password, they can reset it themselves on the ParentVue login site.

Early Dismissal 

In order for a student to be dismissed from school early, the parent/guardian or approved contact via ParentVue must either come to school in person with an ID. Please see details below:

For a parent or guardian picking up a student in person:

  • A person on the student’s emergency contact/check out list must show ID at the attendance office or 

For a student driver to be dismissed without a parent/guardian present:

  • A written note from the enrolling adult in ParentVue can be submitted to the Attendance Office prior to start of school.
  • The note must have a phone number where that person can be reached, and it must match the one in ParentVue.  If the adult cannot be reached, the student MAY NOT LEAVE.


  • An email, from the enrolling adult’s email address in ParentVue, can be submitted to Kathleen Corrao at Kathleen.Corrao@cobbk12.org.  
    1. A request for Early Dismissal/Checkout needs to be emailed the night before OR no later than 8:00 am the day of the dismissal.
    2. In the subject line make sure to put EARLY DISMISSAL and your Child's Name, time of check out must be included in the note.  The email must have a phone number where an adult can be reached, and it must match the number in ParentVue. If the adult cannot be reached, the student MAY NOT LEAVE.
    3. Please do not send emails regarding early dismissal days in advance.

 After the early dismissal request has been verified in Attendance, a dismissal slip will be prepared, and the student will be notified to pick it up during class changes. If a student leaves without a dismissal slip, disciplinary action will be taken.

***Please be sure to update your child’s contact list for check out purposes. The Enrolling Adult is the only person who can make these changes in PARENTVUE.*** 

Late Arrivals/Tardies  

Any student not in their classroom by the 8:20am tardy bell will be marked absent by his/her teacher. All students who arrive to school after the 8:20am tardy bell must obtain a tardy pass before reporting to class. To be excused for being tardy to school, a student must present a doctor's official appointment verification, a note regarding student illness, or a document for a court ordered appearance at the time the student signs into school. Tardies due to missing the bus, traffic, oversleeping, car trouble, etc. are unexcused. If the student does not have a written, confirmable note from a parent or guardian, the tardy will be considered unexcused. Students will be marked as excused or unexcused tardy according to the previous stated absence policy. Please note that if a student prints a tardy pass after half of the class has occurred, the absent mark will remain.   

Continual tardiness will result in disciplinary action. The consequences for unexcused tardies (these are cumulative) will be the following:  

  • 8th-- Admin Detention
  • 11th—Saturday School
  • 14th-- 1 Day ISS
  • 17th-- 2 Days ISS
  • 20th – 3 Days ISS
  • 23rd- 4 Days ISS
  • 26th - 5 Days ISS 

* 5 days of ISS will continue every 3 tardies after the 26th tardy. Tardies will be reset every 6 weeks. 

Upon the eighth unexcused tardy to school, students will also loose privileges, to include but not limited to, parking revoked, attendance at games/events, etc. Students and parents will be notified when this is the case. 

Certificate of School Enrollment   

 Students must obtain a Certificate of School Enrollment (form DS-1) from their school to apply for a Learner’s Permit or Driver’s License. Certificates are issued through the Guidance Office with a 48- hour turn around. There is a $2.00 processing fee.  

Students must provide a birth certificate or other government issued ID (Passport, ID card) to prove age.  The student must come in person to request the form.  

College Visits  

Seniors are allowed two official college visits per academic year. To be considered an official college visit, the student must turn in documentation to the Attendance Office within 3 days of the absence from the college or university that includes the student’s name and date of visit.  


Any student withdrawing from school for any reason is to report to the attendance office to complete the proper forms. The withdrawal form must be signed by the enrolling adult with picture ID.  This should be done no later than the last day the student will be in school. All books and any technology must be returned, and fines or fees paid in order to clear the records.  

Hall Passes  

Leaving Class:

  • If you need to leave class for any reason other than using the restroom, you must ask your teacher for a pass (Blue pass).
  • Students found in the hall without a blue pass will be escorted back to class and may be referred for skipping class.
  • The pass must include:
    • Student's name
    • Date
    • Time
    • Destination
    • Teacher’s signature

Leaving the Cafeteria During Lunch:

  • To make up work or visit the media center during lunch, you must obtain a pass to show the teacher on lunch duty.
  • Semester-long passes are available in the media center and require a teacher’s signature.
  • If granted permission to leave the cafeteria, the teacher will provide you with a pass.

Restroom Passes:

  • To use the restroom, students must get permission from their teacher and sign out using our Hallpass system.
  • Take the pass associated with your building to the nearest restroom and return within 10 minutes.
  • One student at a time is allowed out of class.

Disciplinary Actions:

  • Failure to comply with these expectations may result in disciplinary actions.