
College Entrance Examination Information


College Entrance Examinations

The PSAT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test) is an examination of interest to college-bound students and is given to all sophomores. Juniors wanting to qualify as a National Merit Scholar will be eligible to take the PSAT/NMSQT.  The test will be on Oct 23, 2024.  More information to come for Juniors needing to register for the PSAT/NMSQT.   

Students should consult the website of the college of their choice for the appropriate entrance exam to take.  Application forms and study guides for the tests are available in the Counseling Suite.   Check with a Counselor for specifics. 


2024-2025 SAT Test Dates, Registration Deadlines & Score Releases 

Click HERE for dates and links to register for the SAT. 


2024-2025 ACT Test Dates & Registration Deadlines 

Click HERE for dates and how to register for the ACT.