



Students are responsible for returning textbooks in the same condition as they are issued.  If a book is not returned or is damaged beyond use, the student will be charged the cost of the bookMinor damage will be assessed at 25% of book cost and major damages at 50% of book cost.  No books will be issued until the fine(s) is paid.   It is the student’s responsibility to clear all fines.  Textbooks should not be left in classrooms or given to other students to use/borrow.

Many textbooks are now available online.  Here is the LINK for High School textbooks that are available online.  Codes to access the available textbooks will be given to students from their classroom teachers.

Grade Reports & Home/School Communication

Cobb County School District Administrative Rule IHAC recognizes that effective communication between the school and the home is essential to the success of students. The Board further recognizes that the delivery of information to the home is a responsibility that must be shared by school personnel and students. Parents should provide valid daytime phone numbers and update information online via ParentVue when addresses or phone numbers change.  Information on how to do this can be found HERE. Students in grades 9-12 are expected to transmit written notes, messages, deficiencies, report cards and other documents between the school and their parents. School personnel shall be responsible for making reasonable efforts in the communication process, including e-mail, written, and telephone messages and for providing particular attention to situations where the educational welfare of students may be jeopardized. School personnel shall not be held responsible for student problems that develop from the refusal of students to transmit messages from the school to the home.  

Grading Period Dates: 

End of 1st 6 weeks                 September 13th

End of 2nd 6 weeks                November 1st

End of 1st Semester             December 20th

End of 4th 6 weeks                  February 14th

End of 5th 6 weeks                  April 4th

End of  2nd Semester            May 21st (Last Day of School)

We strongly encourage students and parents to communicate their concerns to teachers as soon as a problem becomes evident. If a student has a concern or a problem in a class, the student should follow these steps to resolve the issue:

  1. The student should schedule a meeting with the teacher.
  2. If the issue is not resolved, the student and parent should make an appointment with the teacher.
  3. If the problem persists, the parent/teacher should make an appointment with the appropriate counselor/administrator.

At any time, parents/guardians may access their student’s grade through ParentVue. As a reminder, ParentVue rolls up with students from one grade to the other. When a new student enrolls, the parent creates a ParentVue account in order to register. If a parent forgets their password, they can reset it on the ParentVue login site.

Course Registration/Drop-Add

After registration, students may request a schedule change only if credit has already been received for the class scheduled or if a mistake was made in registering for the course.   If a course is dropped after the first ten days of the semester, a grade of 10 will be given for that course, and no credit will be awarded. 

Grading System

Cobb County high schools observe the following grading system:

         A - 90 – 100                                     B - 80 – 89                         C - 74 - 79

         D - 70 – 73                                       F - below 70


Students should work with their teachers to complete all assignments missed.  Additionally, conduct grades will be given. Proper citizenship development of students is as important as their academic training. The following is a guide to conduct grading:

  • Satisfactory - Needs no correction
  • Needs Improvement - Needs some correction
  • Unsatisfactory - Needs immediate correction

Quality Points for Accelerated/Honor Classes

Courses that earn a full quality point (A=5.0, B=4.0, C=3.0):

All AP courses, all language courses level IV and higher, Chemical Engineering, Organic Chemistry, Advanced Physics/Robotics, Advanced DNA/Genetics, Advanced Scientific Internship, Advanced Scientific Research 

Courses that earn a half quality point (A=4.5, B=3.5, C=2.5): All Honors courses  

Testing Days

A student should have no more than two (2) major tests in one day.  It is the student’s responsibility to discuss conflicts with each of his or her teachers before the test.   

Make-Up Work

Students are expected to make up all work missed during an absence.  It is the student’s responsibility to find out what work was missed and to turn it in to his/her teachers.  Students will be allowed one day for each day of absence plus one additional day to make up work missed during absences. For example, if a student is absent for two days, he/she will be allowed three days to make up work that was missed.  Students should check with individual teachers for policies regarding make-up tests.  

Final Exams

Comprehensive final exams are given at the end of each course in every class and count 10% of the final course grade. Students may NOT take a final exam early.  In the case of illness, students may be tested after the scheduled testing period.  It is the responsibility of the student to arrange with their teachers to make up final exams.

Student Mentorship Class

Career technical mentorship is a class offered for juniors and seniors on track for graduation.   Students must have a 3.0 minimum GPA and good attendance. Students must also have a good discipline record. Students may only mentor twice in their high school career, and the credits do not count for the technical diploma.  Mentoring is a privilege.  Those students who take this class should be dedicated to the office in which they serve and represent Wheeler well.

Senior Minimum Day (Offered Spring Semester Only) 

Students classified as seniors and carrying sufficient credits to provide for one unit above the total needed for high school graduation may schedule a minimum of three blocks (in consecutive order). Students participating in the mentoring program may not take minimum day. These seniors must have passed or be enrolled in all specified courses for graduation with the exception of courses limited to seniors.  Seniors who choose minimum day must be off campus no later than five minutes after their last class or be under the direct supervision of a faculty member.  

Failure to comply will result in administrative action or enrollment in a class during their “off” period.

Financial Aid

Information concerning scholarships, grants, and loans is available through the Counseling Office https://sites.google.com/view/wheelercounseling/meet-the-counseling-staff. Information is regularly updated.   Financial aid meetings will be held to offer help for students and parents.  Students interested in obtaining aid are advised to complete paperwork early. Financial aid information is often obtained from income tax records, so it is advised that the student and their parents gather this information for early filing.


  • Transcripts of a student’s record can be obtained by completing a transcript request in Counseling Office.
  • Transcripts are NOT released without a student’s written consent.
  • All transcripts are. $2.00.
  • Official transcripts must be mailed by Counseling.
  • If transcripts are given to a student in an envelope, they will be marked unofficial.
  • The main reasons for sending transcripts are college entrance, scholarship or financial aid requests, and prospective employment.
  • No transcripts will be sent until all fines/fees are cleared.

College Applications

Obtain college information and an application online.  Some of these are available in the Counseling Office.  If the application that you need is not available, you may obtain the websites and addresses of all colleges from your counselor.   Take the completed application to the Counseling Office with a check for the appropriate application fee.  Sign the card releasing your transcript and SAT scores.  Counseling will mail the application for you.  Applications need to be turned in three weeks before the college deadline to allow time for processing.  Counseling will not do any overnight or express mailing.

Early Graduates

Seniors desiring to graduate at the end of the first semester should schedule an appointment with their counselor ASAP.  It should be noted that December early graduates, will not be allowed to participate in spring senior activities such as prom and Gradbash.  They will be able to walk in May at graduation.   

Grade Level Promotion 

Promotion to the next grade level is based on number of credits a student has earned.  The following units are required for promotion (units must include those in parenthesis):

  • To 10th grade:  5 units (9th Lit, 9th level math, 9th level science)
  • To 11th grade:  10 units (10th Lit, 10th grade math, World History, 10th grade science)
  • To 12th grade:  16 units (11th grade Lit, 11th grade math, Physics, US History)