
General Information



  1. Students will be assigned lockers during the first week of school if a student request one for the year. Students should NOT share their combination.
  2. The right is reserved to search a school locker when there is reason to believe a violation of school regulations has occurred and at the end of each semester. All lockers are subject to inspection and search by school officials as provided by law.  There may be random locker searches.
  3. Students should not go to their lockers during any class period or during lunch period without a written pass signed by a faculty member.  
  4. The school is not responsible for items taken from a locker.  If students have a problem with their lockers, they should report the problem to the appropriate administrator.
  5. PE lockers are provided for student use during PE classes.  These lockers can be secured with a lock provided by the student.  Be sure to secure all your possessions before you leave the locker room.  Students must remove personal locks from P.E. lockers at the end of each period.
  6. No obscene or illegal substance-oriented pictures, slogans, etc. may be placed inside lockers or on the doors.  A student will be held responsible for any extraordinary measures needed to clean his locker at the end of the year.

Beverages and Snacks  

Vending machines available for student use during class changes and during their lunches.  Students are not allowed to use vending machines during class time. If the student uses the vending machine during class, it is considered out of area and subject to disciplinary action. The machines are located throughout the school. Students should dispose of all trash in an appropriate manner.   FOOD OR BEVERAGES ARE ALLOWED IN CLASSROOMS ONLY WITH THE TEACHER’S PERMISSION. If there is a problem that occurs with the machine, the student will need to contact the vending machine company. 


No student directly or indirectly shall cause to be delivered any items for himself/herself or a 3rd party without Principal permission, including but not limited to UberEats, DoorDash, restaurant deliveries, etc.  Refer to JCDA-R Student Code of Conduct  

Student Phone Use  

OFFICE PHONES CAN BE USED FOR EMERGENCIES AND WITH THE PERMISSION OF OFFICE PERSONNEL (ADULT) ONLY.  Students should report to a teacher, an administrator, a counselor, or the nurse for emergencies that require a phone. Students may use cell phones during lunch and/or during class for INSTRUCTIONAL PURPOSES ONLY as instructed by the teacher.  Students should report to a teacher, an administrator, a counselor, or the nurse for emergencies that require a phone. Please refer to the cell policy in your syllabus for each teacher. 

Lost and Found   

Lost and Found is located in Admin I.  If students do not find their lost items there, they can report the missing item to Ms. Ortiz in Admin. I.  

School Social Worker

Wheeler’s social worker addresses issues including but not limited to: drug abuse, teen pregnancy, depression, and attendance problems. The school social worker works in conjunction with community agencies, the family, and the school to help all function together in the best interest of the student.  Hannah Jones can be reached via phone at 770-578-3266, ext 044 or via email at Hannah.Jones@cobbk12.org.

Emergency Drills

Fire drills will be held monthly.  The warning is a continuous ringing of the fire alarm. Students are to quietly file out of the building to a designated area. Severe Weather Drills as well as Emergency Situational Drills will be conducted periodically. Students must remain quiet and comply with their teacher’s directions.


School accident insurance is available to all students at the beginning of the school year.   Information is included in the Cobb County School District folder which will be available digitally this year.  


Parents/guardians or community resource visitors are welcome to visit our school but are required to sign in at Admin. I and obtain a Visitor Pass.  Students are not allowed to bring visitors to school.  If a parent/guardian is visiting a teacher or observing a classroom, an appointment must be made, and visitors will be escorted to and from their destination by a staff member.