
Student Behavior and Consequences


The faculty and students of Wheeler are a community of people working together.  In order to accomplish our goals, we must treat each other with mutual respect and adhere to our established school-wide expectations of behavior, our WILDCAT 4. 





Dress Code  

Students should maintain the level of personal hygiene and safety necessary to ensure a healthy school environment and should not wear anything that might distract from classroom instruction or contribute to the disruption of the normal function of the school. Wheeler complies with the CCSD dress code policies.  


The following types of clothing are considered inappropriate at Wheeler:  

  1. Shorts and skirts that are too short. Bottoms should be completely covered.   
  2. The outer layer of pants must be worn so as to cover ALL undergarments and or other layers of clothing.  
  3. Bandannas should NOT be worn on the bus in the mornings, as well as in the building from the time a student enters the building until 3:30 PM. This applies to both males and females.    
  4. Pajamas (unless on spirit days), boxer shorts, cut-off sweat pants, slippers, or going without shoes.  
  5. Shirts or blouses that expose the midriff, chest, or “see-through” garments.  
  6. Clothing which advertises alcohol or substances illegal for minors or which displays suggestive phrases, designs, markings, or profanities.  
  7. Shirts or blouses with elongated arm opening or opened in the front or sides without an undershirt.  
  8. Exposed under garments; chains attached to pants, belts, or wallets; excessively long or heavy neck chains (see Weapons policy).   
  9. Clothing that displays weapons, drugs, violence, gang affiliations, or other logos that cause dissension.  ** The interpretation of acceptable dress will be made by school officials.  
  10. Badana print of any color is not allowed. 

***Repeat offenses will result in disciplinary action.

Cell Phones and Electronic Devices  

Students shall not use cell phones, ear buds, or any electronic devices during instructional time unless specifically authorized by individual teachers for instructional purposes during the school day.  Otherwise, communication and electronic devices must be off during instructional time. Students are allowed to listen to music inside the cafeteria during their assigned lunch periods with headphones only.   Students are not allowed to visit any social media sites, chatrooms, etc. during the school day. 

The district offers laptops to all students.  Parents must complete the authorization form to “opt in” via ParentVue to obtain a device.   Go to Parentvue.cobbk12.org, click on student device liability and again for a second time, click on read agreement, click on the “agree to conditions above box”, click submit agreement, click the “opt in box”, you will then see a green message “You have successfully opted -in this student”.  Students will be able to go to the media center immediately following this process to get their computer.  Therefore, teachers will assign activities, assignments and assessments that will require the use of a computer during class.  If students do not obtain a school issued laptop, then they should provide their own.   

Wheeler High School is NOT responsible for lost or stolen items.   

Behavior in the Classroom  

Students are expected to adhere to the WILDCAT 4, our school-wide expectations. Specific classroom expectations should be on your syllabus. To maintain an environment that is conducive to learning we ask that all students are RESPECTFUL, ENGAGED, ACCOUNTABLE and POSITIVE.

Teachers will follow our Behavior Flow Chart when handling minor infractions in the classroom. See below. 


Cheating Policy  

The following are considered scholastic dishonesty in schoolwork and will be disciplined:

A. Taking information of any form into a test situation for the purpose of responding to test items B. Plagiarism – Using the ideas or words of others without proper documentation

  1. Copying the work of others when the copied material will count as part of the semester grade.  
  2. Communicating test information to others in or out of class
  3. Taking test questions (complete test, answer key, teacher’s edition) to provide assistance in later test situations
  4. Selling, buying, or using papers written by another party
  5. Providing or receiving work  
  6. Talking, communicating, or utilizing a cell phone or any other electronic device (if it’s out during an assessment, you’ve broken the policy) during testing  

Wheeler High School’s Statement of Integrity  

I certify the work I am submitting is my original work.  

I have not shared, nor exchanged information or materials with anyone, nor will I do so in the future.  

If one is found in violation of Academic Integrity, discipline will be administered following our behavior flow chart. Please also refer to your syllabus for teacher specific policy as it relates to academic dishonesty. 

**National Honor Society and other organizations do not allow membership by students who have cheated. Incidents of cheating are cumulative over the student’s high school enrollment.   

Computer Related Discipline Consequences  

A student who uses a computer to violate a discipline rule will FIRST receive the normal consequences for that violation.  For example, students who are insubordinate in their use of a computer will receive the consequence for insubordination.  Students will ALSO lose their computer privileges for a time:

1st violation – minor: two weeks; major: two semesters

2nd violation – minor: one month; major: permanent loss of privileges

3rd violation – minor: remainder of school year  

Behavior in the Cafeteria  

Students are expected to display appropriate behavior in the cafeteria.  Lunch is treated as a class that students must attend in the cafeteria or in our courtyards.  These guidelines should be followed:

  1. Do not cut in line.
  2. Dispose of trash in garbage cans.
  3. Do not take food or drinks outside the cafeteria or courtyards.
  4. Students MAY NOT leave the campus during lunch OR order food to be delivered
  5. No outside food is allowed.  

 Student Searches  

Cobb County School Administrative Rule JCAB-R 

jcab-r.fed51936480.pdf (cobbk12.org)

The Cobb County School System endeavors to provide a safe and secure environment for all students.   The Board authorizes reasonable searches of students directed to that end by authorized school officials.   Searches based on reasonable suspicion may proceed without hindrance or delay, but they shall be conducted in a manner that ensures that students are not arbitrarily stripped of personal privacy.   The principal of each school or his authorized representative possesses the authority to conduct inspection of students’ lockers, articles carried upon their persons, and vehicles. Such search shall be based on a reasonable suspicion of the presence of deleterious items but not limited to bombs, handguns, or other dangerous weapons, contraband drugs, alcohol, tobacco, stink/smoke bombs, hidden noisemakers, and water guns.  In the event the search of a student’s person, his personal possessions, his locker, or vehicle reveals the student is concealing material, the possession of which is prohibited by federal, state or local law, local law enforcement authorities shall be notified so they may take appropriate action, in addition to administrative response.  

Teacher Detention  

During the first days of a semester, each student will receive oral or written orientation procedures from his teachers regarding detention policies.  Each teacher may have his/her own guidelines, and it is the student’s responsibility to abide by detention rules.  Failure to serve a teacher detention will result in referral to an administrator and/or consequences will be given to the student who fails to serve a teacher given detention.

In-School Solution (ISS)

In-School Solution has been established as a measure to keep students in school while they are being disciplined for moderate to serious offenses.  Strict state and county policies govern the ISS program, and the student is made aware of these prior to his reporting to ISS.  

Students are given the opportunity to obtain all class assignments before entering the ISS program, and that work must be returned to the teachers on the first day the student is back in class, or no credit will be granted. Students cannot participate in school activities such as, but not limited to: athletic events, club competitions, drama, band, chorus, or orchestra performances until the ISS assignment ends.

A student will be removed from ISS if they become disruptive or fail to adhere to the expectations.  Removal from ISS will result in Out-of-School suspension for the remainder of the ISS suspension plus 1 additional day.

To receive a full day’s credit in ISS, the student must remain in ISS for the entire school day regardless of student schedule. If a minimum day student receives ISS, he or she will be considered “Full Day” if they serve the entire 3 blocks.

In accordance with Cobb County policy, ISS CANNOT be assigned in place of suspension for the following:

  • Weapons       
  • Tobacco  
  • Bomb threat
  • Alcohol/Drug Use  
  • Fighting        
  • False fire alarms

Out-of-School Suspensions (OSS)   

Suspension is a very serious disciplinary action.   It is the strongest statement the local school makes in expressing its displeasure with misbehavior.  Suspended students (except those suspended from ISS) will be permitted to make up their work. All work will be due the day the student returns from suspension.   Suspended students are not permitted on Wheeler campus or on any other Cobb County campus during their suspension. They are also not permitted to participate in or attend any extra-curricular activities.  Additionally, students who accumulate 10 days of OSS in a semester may not be allowed to attend after school functions/events such as, but not limited to, athletic games, prom, pep rallies and/or dances during that semester.  Also, if a student gets into a fight at any CCSD after-school activity, they may not be allowed to attend such after school events during that semester or possibly the school year. 

Please refer to the Wheeler High School Behavior Flow Chart(above) and the CCSD Student Code of Conduct.  All parents and students should be familiar with the various infractions and consequences, as students will be held accountable should a violation occur.

Please click HERE to review Cobb County’s Student Code of Conduct for the explanation of the various levels of discipline, which correlates with Wheeler High Schools' Disciplinary Progression Policy.