An Overview of Ed-SPLOST Dollars at Work in Cobb
Ed-SPLOST has been an ongoing source of funding for Cobb Schools since 1998. During that time, there have been 5 Ed-SPLOST campaigns approved by Cobb voters. These five campaigns have resulted in a much improved and much larger school district that has been able to accommodate the growing educational needs of a growing county.
Since 1998, Ed-SPLOST has funded the construction of thirty-two new school buildings: nineteen elementary schools, eight middle schools, and five high schools. Nine brand-new elementary schools were built, while ten were replaced. Six new middle schools were built, and two were replaced. Four new high schools were built, and one was replaced. Overall, nineteen new schools were built, while thirteen were replaced.
Additionally, Cobb Schools has recently completed an enlargement and improvement of Osborne High School, as well as the technologically advanced career center, CITA (Cobb Innovation and Technology Academy), that also resides adjacent to Osborne’s campus. Cobb Horizon, an alternative high school available to all Cobb students, also has a newly renovated building, while the new Pearson Middle School opened its doors to students for the first time in August 2021. Finally, Eastvalley Elementary School is currently in the design phase and is next on the list to receive a new replacement school building.
When considered on the classroom level, Ed-SPLOST has funded 3,339 classrooms, with 240 more currently being built or planned. The total classroom expansion since 1998 through Ed-SPLOST funding is 3,579!
Ed-SPLOST IV also resulted in the construction of six new 3000-seat gymnasiums at various high schools, as well as five new high-tech theaters. Gymnasium and theater renovations and improvements are continuing District-wide thanks to Ed-SPLOST V. Equipped with energy-absorbing rubber padding and a better grip for use in sports like football, soccer, and lacrosse, turf fields were also installed in every high school stadium.
Beyond the stats related to new construction and facility upgrades, Ed-SPLOST has also contributed to academic and technology resources to boost student success. Ed-SPLOST IV, which ran from 2014 to 2018, funded $125 million in curriculum, instructional, and technological purchases. On top of that, nearly $100 million in safety and support equipment and supplies were purchased to ensure that students and staff could learn and teach safely and securely.
Thanks to prior Ed-SPLOST projects, Cobb students and teachers were more prepared to switch to a digital learning environment when the pandemic hit in 2020.
Ed-SPLOST dollars have also gone toward many other school support services, including transportation, buses, communication equipment, food and nutrition services equipment, furniture, signage, storage, and more.
Just as any homeowner knows that it takes money to keep and maintain a home, so a school district needs money to keep and maintain its structures, infrastructure, and equipment running smoothly and safely. Ed-SPLOST makes teaching and learning possible for well over 105,000 Cobb students and nearly 18,000 Cobb teachers and support staff. Cobb Schools is the second-largest district in the state and the largest employer in the county. Local Cobb businesses contribute to the Ed-SPLOST projects happening inside Cobb Schools, which means some of the Ed-SPLOST dollars flow right back into the community.