


For up to date sports stories go to: 



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2023-2024 Athletic Director of the Year


Ron Boggs, Osborne High School

2023-2024 GAD Bob Stinchcomb Athletic Leadership AwardIMG_1431.jpg

Don Baker, Director of Athletics, Cobb County School District

2023-2024 GADA Region Athletic Directors of the Year

  • Matt Williams
  • Wes Ellis
  • Amie Howard

GHSA - Eligibility

In order for a student to participate in high school athletics with Cobb County School District, the student will need to meet the eligibility requirements outlined in the GHSA Constitution.  Eligibility requirements are listed under By-Law 1.0 - Student.  Please note some local schools require annual physical to be dated after April 1st as mentioned in By-Law 1.41 (a). CCSD Board Policy IDE-R (Rule A.1.) does not allow 8th graders to participate in high school athletics.  GHSA Constitution                                 

CCSD Board Policies affecting student athletes

  • IDE-R Co-Curricular Activities Board Policy IDE-R (Section I)
  • IDFA Gender Equity in Sports Board Policy IDFA (Section I)
  • IDFB-R Sportsmanship Board Policy IDFB-R (Section I)
  • IDF-R Interscholastic Activities (Code of Conduct) Board Policy IDF-R (Section I)
  • JGFGB Concussion Management Board Policy JGFGB (Section J)

Photo of Don Baker

Don Baker

Pamela Orvino
P: 678-331-1071 F: 678-594-7778

Quick Links

2025-2026 GHSA Packet (includes physical forms)

Interscholastic / Extracurricular Activities Code of Conduct (IDF-R) 

Student-Parent Athletic Handbook

Booster Organization Resource Guide

CCSD High School Color Guide (including Pantone Colors)

Ticket Prices

Senior Citizen Athletic Pass

GHSA Lifetime Pass Application

Heat and Humidity Guidelines

Region Alignment

Concussion Management (JGFGB)

Student Accident Insurance English Spanish

Online Athletic Registration

The 2023 (2022-23 school year) Online Athletic Registration is now open. Students who wish to participate in athletics should complete the registration which can be accessed through Parent Vue.

Positive Athlete Program

Cobb County is participating in the Positive Athlete Program which recognizes athletes for being a positive influence. Please take a moment to visit their website and nominate a positive athlete you know!  There is a link at the bottom of the page for nominations.


What Is Positive Athlete Georgia?

Positive Athlete Georgia is a movement by high-character professional athletes tied to Georgia professional and collegiate sports teams to promote the benefits of “positivity” to young athletes. These athletes believe it is crucial to begin shaping the futures of young athletes for life skills beyond athletic competition and to learn how to give back to their community. Current and former professional athletes are members of this organization, and high school athletes will be invited to join based on being nominated by a coach, school administrator, parent or fan for the annual Georgia Positive High School Athlete Awards.

Retiree Lifetime Athletic Pass

Cobb County Schools would like to offer you the opportunity to receive a Lifetime Athletic Pass as a thank you for your many dedicated years of service to the students of Cobb County.  To receive a Retiree Lifetime Athletic Pass, please send an email to Pam Orvino at pamela.orvino@cobbk12.org with your name, address, position with CCSD at time of retirement, and date of retirement.

Other Important Links


"NCAA Clearinghouse Online Information about initial-eligibility at NCAA Division I and II member colleges and universities..."


"The GHSA is a voluntary organization composed of 385 public and private high schools. It strives to promote good sportsmanship and a cooperative spirit among its member schools. It endeavors to maintain high standards so that each pupil competing in each school is on the same basis. In the field of athletics its interest is the safety of the participants; it is on this principle that its athletic rules are based."


"The mission of the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) is to serve its members and its related professional groups by providing leadership and national coordination for the administration of interscholastic activities which will enhance the educational experiences of high school students and reduce risks of their participation."

GHSA Forms can be found at: www.ghsa.net

Employment Information

Coaching Positions Currently Available

Community Coach Application

Athletic Supplements - Assistant Coach

Athletic Supplements - Head Coach