CCSD New Hire Onboarding


Welcome to Cobb County Schools! The onboarding page provides links to important information pertinent to help new employees get acquainted with district resources, policies, and expectations.

I. Employee Resources 

A. Job Descriptions 

B. Salary Schedules

C. 2024-2025 Employment Schedules

D. Children of Employee Transfers

II. Personnel Policies 

A. Employee Relations 

B. Code of Ethics 

C. Employee Handbook

D. GaPSC Social Media and Remote Learning Guidance 

E. Employee Use of Social Media

III. Benefits

IV. Risk Management Office

V. Certification

VI. Compensation

VII. New Teacher Academy 2024

*Audience: Educators who received a contract after 1/1/24, brand new to Cobb, and have been away from Cobb two or more years.

New employees will gain access to additional online platforms when they receive CCSD email activation (within 72 hours of start date). Access: CCSD Home page Cobb County School District (, “Menu,” “Staff.”




For questions, contact Human Resources 770-426-3342