Just the Facts: Highlights from a Great Year!

Wow. I can’t believe the end of 2024 is here! It seems like just yesterday that we started the school year, and now, here we are, preparing to ring in 2025.
It has been my honor to serve as chairman of the Cobb County School Board over the last year. The hard work you do as parents, educators, and community supporters is worth it.
We live in the best community in the state, and our entire Board and team are proud to play a role in leading one of the best school districts in the country.
2024 has seen some fantastic moments.
In 2024…
- Cobb’s kids led the way on the SAT, ACT, and the Georgia Milestones in ELA, science, social studies, and Math scores! That’s basically a clean sweep!
- Our student-athletes dominated as well, as this past year saw Cobb athletes boast an average GPA of 3.60!
- 8,400 Cobb graduates earned a record-setting $154 million in scholarships!
- We brought a new, modern approach to teaching math and science using virtual reality (VR) in classrooms across Cobb!
- We also announced that a second Cobb Innovation and Technology Academy (CITA) is coming to North Cobb! Now, more students will have access to career skills in high-paying industries straight out of high school!
- We’ve teamed up with security experts in the intelligence community to help keep our students and staff safe, bringing the very best safety resources and knowledge to your child’s school.
- The first group of Cobb teachers have graduated from Georgia’s Best, with advanced degrees from West Georgia, at no cost to them! Thanks to the program, we’ve been able to hire and keep more than 99% of our teachers in your child’s classroom.
- For the sixth year in a row, Cobb has been named one of the best places to work in the country.
- Cobb has been singled out as the best financially run school district in the nation. All three major credit rating agencies assigned our district a AAA Credit Rating, making Cobb the only district in the entire country to hold these three triple-A credit rating designations.
Finally, I wanted to save the “secret” to our success for last. It’s you—our community.
You’ve watched us at work and recognized that something special is happening in Cobb. You want us to continue giving what our community needs—world-class schools. We do not take your support lightly. Thank you for trusting us, and thank you for joining me here at Just the Facts this year.
Please continue to support the schools in your neighborhood. Educating students in 2024 isn’t easy, but it is worth it. For over 100,000 students and the future of our entire county, thank you.
Happy Holidays!
Board Chair Randy Scamihorn