
Records Management


Office of Records Management

The Cobb County School District Office of Records Management no longer accepts in person applications for student records/transcripts.  If you would like to request student records/transcripts, you may do so online Here.  We will process your request as soon as possible. CCSD appreciates your patience and support.

The Office of Records Management is responsible providing direction and coordinating the records management plan as outlined in Administrative Rule EF-R. The following links will provide information regarding the program as it relates to both internal and external processes:


Trisha GilbertSupervisor678-581-6836
Richard TwiggRecords Representative678-581-6836


If you need additional information, please refer to the contact information below:

Cobb County School District
Office of Records Management
6975 Cobb International Blvd
Kennesaw, GA 30152

If you have questions regarding Records Management, please email recordsmgt@cobbk12.org.