Just the Facts: The Best Teachers for Your Children!

Hello, and welcome back to “Just the Facts!” Superintendent Ragsdale has a couple of sayings that ring true to me. One, in particular, comes to mind as we talk about hiring and keeping the best teachers in your child’s (or grandchild’s) classroom.
He often says we have the best Team in education. Friends, that’s a fact!! The proof is in the pudding when you compare your child’s success to their peers. Our student achievement and this county continue to be the envy of most of our neighboring communities. Our students have been achieving at levels far surpassing their national, state, and metro peers on practically every testing benchmark there is!
I believe I speak for the whole board when I say we are grateful that you have chosen Cobb County to raise your family. The quality of life in Cobb County is much better because our parents continuously support, expect, and celebrate the high expectations we have for our schools. We all know that Cobb County has given your child one of the best places to succeed – thank you for that opportunity!
The Superintendent also likes to say, “Cobb is the best place to teach, lead, and learn.” This isn’t a throwaway tagline. Please don’t take my word for it; ask a teacher! Especially one who has worked in a surrounding district and is now in Cobb. Last year, one of our metro neighbors began the year with about 400 teaching vacancies. Cobb, a larger district, had fewer than 20. Across the country, Georgia was one of four states where, for back-to-back years, more than 3,000 classroom positions were open. But this isn’t a problem in Cobb. Why?
Well, I imagine there are more than a few reasons: the stability of our leadership, providing parents with high-quality choices, and staying focused on teaching academics while leaving social agendas at the door all come to mind.
Last month at our Board meeting, we heard about the first-in-the-state (and possibly the nation) program that allows our teachers and principals to earn a higher education degree, become better educators, and receive more money from the state of Georgia. Georgia’s BEST is definitely another one of those reasons.
Almost 500 staff members are currently enrolled in Georgia’s Best, with another 4,500 asking to participate in the program. Confidentially, I am encouraging our staff to open another round of applications, and speaking as both a grandfather and Board chair; I hope they do.
Finally, I have also been told that more than four months before it starts, almost 99% of your children’s educators have already returned signed contracts for the next school year! The less teachers come and go, the better the results in the classrooms for your children.
Again, I believe I speak for the school board when I say the stability of our school system allows us to produce students who are ready and able to take the next step in their life journey. Many business and community leaders constantly remind me that our school district’s stability and proven track record have created a positive shadow virtually stretching over our entire community.
Until next time, be safe, be kind, and thank you for your support as we keep our schools focused on school.
Board Chair Randy Scamihorn