Ed-SPLOST VI Wins Community Approval
After November 2, Cobb families have more to celebrate than just the neighborhood World Series Champions (Go Braves!). Cobb Schools will continue the District’s legacy of providing a world-class education in world-class facilities thanks to voters overwhelmingly approving the extension of the one penny tax to benefit schools.
With more than 72% of the vote, the Education Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (Ed-SPLOST) won community support during the November 2 referendum. In addition, the Ed-SPLOST VI initiative earned 100% support from all school precincts. As a result of the leadership of the Cobb Board of Education and Superintendent Ragsdale, Cobb citizens were able to vote on a transparent and cost-effective method of paying for capital improvement projects.
“Cobb students and teachers are grateful to Cobb voters for once again recognizing that voting ‘yes’ on Ed-SPLOST is the most fiscally responsible way to positively impact Cobb students for decades. Support from 100% of our school posts reinforces the value our schools bring to all of Cobb County,” said Superintendent Chris Ragsdale.
The projects in the voter-approved Ed-SPLOST VI will benefit every school in the District. In addition to replacing aging infrastructure and enhancing safety and security throughout the county, Sprayberry High School will see a classroom rebuild with modernization and upgrades. A new elementary school will be built in the southern Cobb area and a new career academy in northern Cobb. A more complete list of how the penny tax will impact schools in your area is available here.