
Happy New Year and Welcome Back

back to school

We hope everyone has had an enjoyable and restful break, and we look forward to welcoming our students back to school on Wednesday, January 5, 2022. The Cobb School District remains committed to providing our students with an internationally competitive education, ensuring a safe instructional environment, and prioritizing our community’s overwhelming preference for in-person learning. 

We ask for our community to continue your support in doing our best to keep our schools safe. Please do not send a sick child to school and be aware of the following symptoms to keep your child(ren) home: a student has a fever (100.4 temperature without fever-reducing medications), or a student has a positive or pending test for COVID-19. If a student has a new cough, shortness of breath, or recent changes to taste/smell, we recommend you contact your health professional for guidance. 

With the new Omicron variant and winter season upon us, COVID-19 cases have increased throughout our community and across the state. Ensuring sick children are not sent to school helps to control virus spread and keep our schools open.

Please reference the District’s website for the latest CCSD protocols for COVID-19. We are thankful for your continued support during these challenging times as we work together in the best interest of our students, families, and staff.