
Hillgrove Senior Launches Non-Profit to Support Military Families

Hillgrove High School senior Leighanne Bryant

As a cheerleader and member of the student government at Hillgrove High School, senior Leighanne Bryant understands the importance of extracurricular activities and their positive impact on students. That is why she set out to help military children in need find their "happy place" through activities they enjoy. Leighanne%20Bryant_Hillgrove%20High%20School%20senior.jpg

Leighanne founded the Gold Star Kids Support Services (GSKSS) non-profit to support the children of fallen soldiers.

 Leighanne's journey to create GSKSS began with her Girl Scout Gold Award project, where she sought to address a worldwide issue. After volunteering with military families and through extensive research, the Hillgrove senior learned about the challenges faced by Gold Star families – those who have lost a loved one in military service. Inspired by their resilience and determined to make a difference, she founded GSKSS with a mission to fund extracurricular opportunities for the children of fallen service members. 

From karate and golf lessons to dance classes, sporting equipment, and field trips, Leighanne's non-profit funds a variety of extracurricular activities. Her impact extends beyond Cobb County's borders, across the state, to Savannah, Georgia. Leighanne has also expanded the mission of her non-profit to support military families affected by suicide or accidental death while in active service. 

The Hillgrove student's non-profit works closely with military organizations like Survivor Outreach Services (SOS), Family Readiness Group (FRG), National Moms of Gold Star Families, and other military family organizations, ensuring a comprehensive support network for military families in need. 

Leighanne%20Bryant_Girl%20Scout.jpgWhen looking for support as she launched her non-profit, she had to look no further than her own family and school community. Her peers, teachers, and administrators have rallied behind her Girl Scout project, recognizing it as a noble cause that reflects the values of compassion and service instilled at Hillgrove High School.

Looking ahead, Leighanne plans to pursue a career as a physical therapist while maintaining her commitment to advancing the mission of Gold Star Kids Support Services. After turning her tassel as a Hillgrove graduate, Leighanne will continue her education at the University of Tennessee, where she intends to participate in the school's non-profit program to deepen her understanding of non-profit management and support more families in need. 

For more information about Gold Star Kids Support Services, visit www.goldstarkss.org.