
Statewide Testing

statewide testing

Regular, moderate physical activity can help improve learning. It helps increase attention span, energy levels, decision making and problem solving skills. These are essential tools for writing tests. We are encouraging parents and students to turn off the TV, video games and computers and to participate in activities such as skipping, walking, bike riding or playing games such as soccer, baseball or basketball. Turning off the screen is important at any time children are having tests throughout the school year.

Encourage your child to work hard and do their very best on each and every question. They should never leave a question unanswered. Please try not to schedule dentist or doctor appointments during the EQAO testing dates. It is important for your child to attend school each day of the testing.

The junior-division assessment tests the reading, writing and math skills that students are expected to have gained up to the end of Grade 6. As a parent or guardian, you care about your child’s progress in school. EQAO assessments, along with classroom assessment, can help ensure that your child is on the right track. 

We wish our grade 3 and grade 6 students success on the EQAO provincial assessment.