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During Science, the students investigated why animals live in groups. They worked in groups to determine why animals did certain things in groups, such as hunt or fly. The students took turns answering these questions in their groups and took notes on their answers.
We then worked together to organize the reasons and examples in a table. I wrote the table on the board and the students copied it down in their copybooks. The students really enjoyed this activity and worked really well in their groups.
The students also had Social Studies and Computers today!
During Math, the students learned about the different types of angles - right, less than right, and more than right. Next, the students created an angle simulator using bendable straws. The students then looked at images to determine what types of angle each shape had. Some students struggled with classifying the angles as less than or more than a right angle. Some also found it difficult to keep track of the number of angles within the shape. I tried different ways to express this concept, but some students may need gentle reminders to trace the angle, turn the book, or look back at the images to determine what the angle is.
During Writing, the students learned about the different kinds of sentences - declarative, imperative, interrogatory, and exclamatory. The students listened to a song that describes these types of sentences and wrote down the names in their desks with the kinds of punctuation they have. We then filled in a chart with the definition, punctuation, and example of each type of sentence. The students also had Social Studies and Computers today!
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Group Study

During Science, the students investigated why animals live in groups. They worked in groups to determine why animals did certain things in groups, such as hunt or fly. The students took turns answering these questions in their groups and took notes on their answers.We then worked together to organiz[...]
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I hope everyone had a great weekend! I have noticed that some of the girls still have their beautiful nails from the Father Daughter Dance. Please make sure that any colors other than clear or very pale pink are removed before tomorrow, as per school policy. Thank you!During Writing, the students le[...]
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