Silent Sustained Reading – What’s It All About?

More than 850 freshmen and sophomores got to know the Walton Library this fall and learn more about Silent Sustained Reading (SSR). What is SSR? Simply put, it is recreational reading or reading for pleasure. Many Walton lit teachers have embraced SSR and are offering uninterrupted blocks of class time for students to read books of their choice.
Studies show that SSR:
- Builds vocabulary
- Increases reading speed and comprehension
- Improves writing skills
- Increases general knowledge
- Reduces stress and fosters empathy
- Leads to higher test scores
Library staff helped students find their “perfect match” using the analogy of dating a book. Students were asked to literally judge the book by its cover as they evaluated the general look and feel of the book. They recorded their first impressions after reading a few pages and the summary of the book. After dating at least three books, most students left with a choice they would be happy to spend more time with.