Cobb Schools BOE Meeting: Georgia’s BEST Celebrates Successful 1st Anniversary, Superintendent Talks School Safety

Last February, the Cobb Schools Board of Education unanimously approved a first-of-its-kind partnership in Georgia that allows Cobb educators to pursue advanced degrees at no cost to them. Cobb Schools partnered with the University of West Georgia to launch the Georgia’s BEST (Building Educator Success Together) program to help with recruitment and retention.
After 12 months, the program still has Cobb educators excited and engaged. More than 98% of Cobb educators have already indicated they plan to return for the 2024-2025 school year. Cobb’s teachers enrolled in Georgia’s BEST are sharing what they’ve learned with their colleagues, while veteran educators from across the state and nation are clamoring to join the Cobb Schools team and be part of Georgia’s BEST.
Other school districts are knocking on the door, trying to learn how to duplicate the successful partnership that started when Cobb Schools Superintendent Chris Ragsdale reached out to UWG about developing an educator retention/education program. That initial outreach started Cobb on the path toward Georgia’s BEST.
“Our Board and Superintendent have said our employees are a priority for almost a decade. It is one thing to say so, it is very much another to see innovations like Georgia’s BEST prove those words to be true,” praised Cobb Schools Board Chair Randy Scamihorn.
Learn more about the success of Georgia’s BEST and what educators are saying in this more in-depth article.
While the Board of Education meeting provided an opportunity to highlight the impacts of Cobb once again leading the way with a cutting-edge program like Georgia’s BEST, Superintendent Ragsdale also addressed school safety—the District’s top priority.
“I understand there are many in our communities who are interested in what we are doing for student and staff safety. I would encourage all of those who are interested to visit, where all publicly accessible information regarding our alert system, tip line, safety checks, plans, and processes can be found.
There have been some to suggest a discussion on safety should be taking place during a board meeting. As everyone knows, including board members and the public, safety plans, procedures, and protocols are discussed in the executive session and not in public. That being said, it is sad, really, that some would even try to take credit for things already in motion and having already been in motion… Let me be clear: there has always been a safety plan for each and every Cobb school, including McEachern, and that plan was followed on February 1st, 2024.
There have also been some to suggest that the principal should resign or be terminated. Again, let me be very clear. Regina Montgomery was the principal of McEachern High School on February 1st, 2024, and acted according to policy and procedure. Regina Montgomery is the principal of McEachern High School, and Regina Montgomery will continue to be the principal of McEachern High School. I do find it extremely disturbing, but not surprising, that the same people and political groups who spoke against increased security measures in our school, or even to take resource officers out of our schools completely, are now the very same people screaming the loudest about not having enough resource officers," Superintendent Ragsdale said reaffirming his commitment to keeping Cobb's schools safe.
In other Board business, the Board voted to extend Superintendent Ragsdale’s contract so he can continue serving the Cobb Schools community.
Board Recognitions:
2023-2024 Cobb County School District Counselor of Impact
Elementary School Level Counselor of Impact –Elizabeth Hatcher, King Springs Elementary School
Middle School Level Counselor of Impact –Lara Salzman, Hightower Trail Middle School
High School Level Counselor of Impact –Katie Hoptroff, Harrison High School
Cobb Schools Counseling Comprehensive Model Certifications
Belmont Hills Elementary School
Daniell Middle School
Floyd Middle School
Griffin Middle School
Kennesaw Mountain High School
- 2021-2022 Aspiring Principal Cohort
- 2022-2023 Aspiring Principal Cohort
- 2023-2024 Aspiring Principal Cohort