
The Inside Scoop: Developing Good Academic Habits


Academic success begins with good habits. Skills like time management, goal setting, and maintaining focus require practice and dedication. Today's episode, featuring Kathleen Greb, discusses these academic habits and much more. Ms. Greb explains her role as Cobb's Supervisor of Positive School Culture Support and shares insights on everyday issues students may face mid-semester. 

Many tools and phone apps exist that can help facilitate good habits, but these alone aren't the answer. Calendars and checklists can help with efficiency, but they can also become a distraction or be ignored altogether. The student must first be committed to keeping on-task and putting in the required work. Habits take time to develop and must be reinforced through consistent effort.

Setting realistic goals and breaking large projects into smaller tasks are effective ways to keep students from getting overwhelmed and prevent procrastination. Encouraging students to ask for help and taking advantage of school resources can also improve academic performance. Additionally, putting phones aside and creating designated study spaces outside their bedrooms are great techniques to minimize distraction. 

An overlooked but critical habit is getting the right amount of sleep, which is necessary for proper cognitive function. Ms. Greb advises parents to watch for signs of stress or disengagement, especially when transitioning into high school. Open communication between students, parents, and teachers is vital for educational success and emotional well-being.