
Important information for school, Friday, September 20th.

Cobb Schools

Through national and local social media campaigns, we are aware some students could be planning to participate in a protest on Friday, September 20th, 2024. 

Students' ability to express themselves is important to us, without disrupting school. 

Anyone who disrupts the classroom, school events, or any normal school process will be disciplined according to district policy. Consequences for students who participate will follow the Cobb County School District Student Code of Conduct and will, at a minimum, be suspended. 

Additionally, participating in disruptions to school could impact a student's ability to participate in sports and other extracurriculars. Please refer any questions to the District's Code of Conduct, which can be found on the district website

As we continue to reflect and process the tragedy in Barrow, students, and staff may be interested in expressions that do not disrupt school. All students are actively invited to participate in school-sponsored memorials and condolences for the lives lost in Barrow County. 

Your child's principal may have communicated options at your school, which could include: 

  •  A moment of silence and reflection for the victims and their families.  
  • Giving students time to journal their thoughts 
  • Writing letters to lawmakers expressing concerns and ideas for change 

As always, thank you for your commitment to learning and safety as you support us from home.