45 Osborne Student-Athletes Learn How to "Protect the Dream"

On Sunday, December 8, the Performing Arts Center (PAC) at Osborne was filled with activity and community members as Kit Cummings brought his Power of Peace Project (POPP) team to the school's campus. Forty-five student-athletes celebrated their completion of POPP's "Protect the Dream" course with encouragement from many special guests.
In addition to the POPP team, Superintendent Chris Ragsdale and District Director of Athletics Don Baker were in attendance. Osborne Principal Troy Jones and Athletic Director Ron Boggs represented the school and many other Cardinal teachers and coaches. Local education and sports legend Dr. Gordon Pritz showed his support, and Atlanta Braves centerfielder Michael Harris was the Guest Speaker.
Protect the Dream is a character and leadership development program for student-athletes. It is designed to raise up positive role models in schools and has been used in most of the high schools in Cobb County. Through the program, Kit Cummings and the POPP team teach students how to design and protect big life dreams and how to exemplify positivity to others.
Exceptional sports role models play a big part in the curriculum, and when Kit welcomed Michael Harris to the stage, the Braves' Tribe came to life in the Osborne PAC. "I am a big fan of your game and how you play, but I am even bigger of a fan of how you live your life and serve as an example," Kit said as Michael came to the podium.
"It doesn't matter if you're the biggest and strongest on the field; what matters is what you do off the field," Michael said to applause. "Follow your dreams and believe in yourself; don't let the pressures from others get in your way. Congratulations and the best of luck to all of you in your careers and in whatever you want to do."
Michael Harris had to leave quickly to attend another event, but he told the students that he would proudly wear his Protect the Dream wristband on the field next season.
Five Cardinal students were selected to read their final essays submitted before graduating from the program. Each had a unique perspective on what they learned about themselves, their goals, and the sports figures they chose to study. Each told about what they planned to do to keep their dreams safe from any "dream-killers" that might oppose them.
Principal Jones introduced and welcomed Superintendent Ragsdale to the stage. A high school athlete himself, Cobb's Superintendent played baseball for two years and ran track for two. He understands how important a team mentality is for athletics and life in general. In fact, Cobb's motto is "One Team, One Goal: Student Success."
"When you're on a team, you are not a team of one. You're all working together toward a common goal. There are many dream killers out there, and I thank Kit and his team for this program. I look forward to everything you're going to do," Superintendent Ragsdale said in encouragement to the students.
Thank you to Kit Cummings and POPP for everything they do for Cobb students. These student-athletes will never forget to protect their dreams from ever-present dream killers. Well done, Osborne!