Choosing Your Student's School with Darryl York
Cobb Schools prioritizes choice for its families and students. Cobb leads the way in giving families learning options that suit them best and allows students to learn face-to-face in classrooms or virtually from home. This makes it possible for the entire family to be an active part of their child's education.
Similarly, Cobb makes it possible for families to choose which school in Cobb they want their student(s) to attend. While not guaranteed and dependent upon space and resources, school choice is available.
To help make sense of all the many educational choices Cobb offers, David Owen has invited Darryl York to The Inside Scoop to help sort it all out. Mr. York is the Director of Policy and Planning for Cobb Schools and helps to explain the differences between magnet and fine arts programs and attending a school outside of the one for which a student is zoned.