Cobb Schools COVID Reminders and Resources (Includes Updated Guidance)

In an effort to respond to concerns about safety, cleaning of buildings, mask-wearing, and the many other vital topics that have arisen during the Coronavirus pandemic, Cobb Schools has created the following list of helpful links and resources for parents, students, and teachers.
One of the more recent questions that may be on community members’ minds relates to the updated quarantine guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Just as the CDC advises, Cobb Schools will continue to refer to the guidance of our local public health department, which you can find here.
A continued concern on many parents' minds is how lunch and mealtimes will be handled in the schools during social-distancing. This video helps describe the precautions and steps being taken to ensure safety for students in the cafeterias.
The links below are updated frequently and are the best places, to begin with, any questions about Cobb's responses and actions during the pandemic.
The Cobb Learning Everywhere website is also one to bookmark and access regularly for education information related to online learning Cobb. For updated and practical information about what the school district is doing to keep teachers and students safe and healthy in the classroom, refer to the new COVID-19 page.
Resources for families in need